Avail (at), at an advantage,
Avaled, lowered,
Avaunt, boast,
Aventred, couched,
Avised, be advised, take thought,
Avision, vision,
Avoid, quit,
Avoided, got clear off,
Avow, vow,
Await of (in), in watch for,
Awayward, away,
Awke, sideways,
Bachelors, probationers for knighthood
Bain, bath,
Barbican, gate-tower,
Barget, little ship,
Battle, division of an army,
Bawdy, dirty,
Beams, trumpets,
Be-closed, enclosed,
Become, pp., befallen, gone to,
Bedashed, splashed,
Behests, promises,
Behight, promised,
Beholden (beholding) to, obliged to,
Behote, promised,
Benome, deprived, taken away,
Besants, gold coins,
Beseek, beseech,
Beseen, appointed, arrayed,
Beskift, shove off,
Bested, beset,
Betaken, entrusted,
Betaught, entrusted, recommended,
Betid, happened,
Betook, committed, entrusted,
Bevered, quivered,
Board, sb., deck,
Bobaunce, boasting, pride,
Boishe, bush, branch of a tree,