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“Before we got into the squad car, I straightened him out. From that point on, he didn’t talk to anyone. I watched the interrogation too. He replied to every question with the same word: ‘nothin’.” Hines finished his summary, relieved he could give ABCs that small nugget of good news.

“At least there’s that. Tell me more about this Officer Street,” ABCs demanded.

“High and mighty asshole if you ask me. More concerned about doin’ the right thing and getting’ his little bro out of trouble than he is about lookin’ out for himself,” Hines said.

“He’s a meddling do-gooder. I’d like to put him in his place,” ABCs muttered angrily. “This woman and girl, what do you have on them?”

“Well, this woman is somethin’ else—a real package. Hot and feisty too. She slapped John.” Hines chuckled at the thought.

ABCs wasn’t amused. “You think this is funny.”

“No, sir.”

“And her daughter,” ABCs demanded.

“Just a normal little girl who wasn’t payin’ attention and ran into the street.” Hines shuddered. Considering the direction of his questions, he suspected ABCs had plans for the girl and her mother.

“Is there a man?”

“No. She said her fiancé died,” Hines replied.

“Good. Give me their address.”

Hines gave him the address. “But they’re not at home. They’ve been hanging out at the hospital with the landscaper John hit with his truck.”

“The landscaper is in the hospital? What room?”

Hines gave him the room number too. “Officer Street has been hanging out there. I’m not sure what’s going on. They seem to be up to something. He’s spending too much time on this. Maybe it’s because his little brother works for the landscaper.”

“What is the landscaper’s name?”

“Clay,” Hines replied.

“What can you tell me about him?”

“I don’t know anything. You want me to look into it?”

“No, don’t raise any suspicions by looking up his information.”

“Anything else?”

“Yeah, I need you to keep this Officer Street away from the hospital tonight.”

“I’ll try.”

“Just get it done. One more thing. We are going to be out on business tonight. Make sure Sarge gives us an opening when we need it.”

“Okay,” Hines replied.

“Keep your burner on. I may need you.” ABCs hung up without another word.

His thoughts went right back to John the driver. He had lied about being high. He had omitted the conversation he had with Hines before this Officer Street came over asking questions. He had not told him about all the blabbing he did, which led to Officer Street sniffing around the truck. John had basically handed his merch over to the cop.

In an instant, his rage seethed up from his belly like an erupting volcano. “LIAR!”

Cheap plastic furniture and chicken bones flew in all directions as ABCs stormed out of the small kitchen. “LYING SACK OF GRINGO SHIT!” His guards knew better than to even look his way as he stormed across the main room and down the hallway back to John’s holding cell.


Michael sent a text to Sean, “Done here, we should go.” Then he stood up from the chair he found himself slumped in. This has turned into something seriously intense. He gathered his attention back from his thoughts and walked around the bed to stand beside Martha. She turned to face him. “I heard you say, ‘Okay, I will,’ a few minutes ago. What was that all about?”

Martha let out a deep sigh. “There is more to this. But I need time to do some research, so I know what we are dealing with.”

Michael tensed his mouth a little and squinted at her. “You saw something at Jackie’s house, didn’t you?”

Jackie’s head jerked up. “You’ve been to my house?” The question had an accusatory tone.

Clay tensed at the news too, but remained silent while he stood looking out the window.

Michael gestured dismissively with a hand. “I apologize for not telling you right away, there’s been a lot to sort out here.”

Jackie hesitated, then nodded. “Okay, so what happened?”

“Martha wanted to stop by the scene of the incident. See what she could, that’s all,” Michael said.

Martha continued for him, “And see I did.” Martha moved forward on a hunch. “Jackie, has Elena demonstrated any unique ability?”

Jackie sat back a bit, the color draining from her face. “I... I wouldn’t say that. But...” Struggling to find the words, she continued, “Something strange did hap... well... nothing really happened, but Elena did say something strange about having friends in the front yard. Friends that wanted her to come out and play.”

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