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‘You were here.’

‘That’s right. I was, wasn’t I? Only your mum seems to have forgotten all about it. Why’s that, Gemma? Why are you lying?’

There was no time for a reply. Ronan heard a key turning in the front door.

‘Quiet. Not a peep, or your husband dies.’

Ronan got up from the chair and moved behind the living-room door. He heard a ‘Hello’ from the hallway, and then saw the back of a male figure come into view.

‘Hey, you two! Why the silent treatment?’

Ronan pushed the door away. The figure turned. Ronan aimed the gun at the man’s face, saw the immense expression of shock.

‘Yeah, that’s right. You know me too, you fucking piece of shit. Sit over there with the rest of your shitty family. Do it!’

He watched as the man squeezed onto the sofa.

‘What’s your name?’


‘Surprised to see me, Scott?’

‘I . . . I don’t know who you are.’

‘You don’t? You’re as thick as your missus, then. Only Danny here seems to know anything, and he’s not exactly working with a full deck, is he?’

Ronan resumed his seat on the wooden chair.

‘Right. This is how it’s going to work. You tell me everything. No making shit up. Just tell me the truth. Right?’

Scott raised a finger, requesting permission to speak.


‘I’d like to ask if we can send Daniel to his room. He doesn’t understand any of this. It frightens him.’

‘He didn’t seem that frightened when he was coming at me in your hallway. Besides, he’s the only one who’s told me anything so far. So the answer is no. Danny stays here, with the rest of his retard family.’

‘He’s not a retard.’

‘No? What about you, though, Scott? Can you string a few sentences together for me?’

Scott stared down at the floor. Licked his lips. Rubbed his hands along his thighs.

‘I’m not asking you for a fucking wedding speech here. Just start talking. Let it all out.’

Scott finally looked up at him. ‘I’m assuming . . . Joey Cobb. You must be his twin brother, right?’

‘Give that man a coconut. So what about Joey?’

‘You’re not Joey?’ Daniel said.

‘No, lad. I’m not Joey. Joey’s dead. But you knew that already, didn’t you?’

‘My dad said—’

‘Daniel!’ Scott interrupted.

‘No,’ said Ronan. ‘Let him speak. Go on, Danny. What did your dad say?’

‘He said you – I mean Joey – he said you were going to be okay. He said you – Joey – just needed a nice long rest.’

‘A rest? Why?’

Scott took over again. ‘What you have to understand is that we didn’t intend any of this to happen. It was an accident, okay?’

Ronan stared. An accident? What was he talking about? Did he mean he didn’t just see what happened? That he might be responsible in some way?

‘An accident.’

‘Yes. He got in the lift with me. He became aggressive. We got into an argument.’

‘What about?’

‘Nothing. I mean, I think he just didn’t like the way I looked at him, or something. I don’t really know.’

Ronan considered this. It sounded like Joey. He’d been capable of tearing someone’s limbs off just for breathing too heavily.

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