Ramesses II c. 1279–c. 1213
Merenptah c. 1213–c. 1204
Seti II c. 1204–c. 1198
Amenmesse c. 1202–c. 1200
Siptah c. 1198–c. 1193
Tawosret c. 1198–c. 1190
20th Dynasty c. 1190–c. 1069
Sethnakht c. 1190–c. 1187
Ramesses III c. 1187–c. 1156
Ramesses IV c. 1156–c. 1150
Ramesses V c. 1150–c. 1145
Ramesses VI c. 1145–c. 1137
Ramesses VII c. 1137–c. 1129
Ramesses VIII c. 1129–c. 1126
Ramesses IX c. 1126–c. 1108
Ramesses X c. 1108–c. 1099
Ramesses XI c. 1099–c. 1069
Third Intermediate Period
21st Dynasty c. 1069–c. 945
Smendes c. 1069–c. 1045
Amenemnisu c. 1045–c. 1040
Psusennes I c. 1040–c. 985
Amenemope c. 985–c. 975
Osochor (Osorkon ‘the elder’) c. 975–c. 970
Siamun c. 970–c. 950
Psusennes II c. 950–c. 945
22nd Dynasty c. 945–c. 715
Shoshenq I c. 945–c. 925
Osorkon I c. 925–c. 890 and Shoshenq II c. 890
Takelot I c. 890–c. 875
Osorkon II c. 875–c. 835
Shoshenq III c. 835–c. 795
Shoshenq IV c. 795–c. 785
Pimay c. 785–c. 775
Shoshenq V c. 775–c. 735
Osorkon IV c. 735–c. 715
23rd Dynasty c. 830–c. 715
Takelot II c. 840–c. 815
Pedubast I c. 825–c. 800
and Iuput I c. 800