United States
American Academy of Arts and Sciences ref1, ref2
‘ancient Egypt’ concepts ref1
Brooklyn Museum, NY ref1, ref2, ref3
Civil War ref1, ref2, ref3
colonial attitudes ref1
Edwards’ lecture tour ref1
Egyptology see American Egyptology
Egyptomania ref1, ref2, ref3
fund-raising for ‘Zoan’ expedition ref1
Gliddon’s time in Egypt ref1, ref2
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
second Cleopatra’s Needle ref1, ref2
tourism to Egypt ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
women’s colleges ref1
University College London ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
University of Chicago, IL ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
University of Pennsylvania’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology ref1
Urlin, Hilda ref1
Valeriano, Pierio ref1
Valley of the Kings, Thebes
Bruce’s excavation ref1
Burton’s excavations ref1
Carter’s excavations ref1, ref2, ref3; see also Carnarvon–Carter partnership excavations
concession ref1, ref2, ref3
Davis’ excavations ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
difficulties, excavation ref1
Egyptian Antiquities Service excavations ref1
electric lighting, installation of ref1
Franco-Tuscan expedition ref1
Loret’s excavations ref1
Napoleon’s expedition ref1
Petrie’s survey ref1
Pococke’s exploration ref1
Prussian expedition ref1
Sicard’s identification as royal cemetery ref1
Amenhotep III ref1
‘Gold Tomb’ ref1
Hatshepsut ref1, ref2, ref3