Nefertiti bust Plate 22, ref1, ref2, ref3
paintings ref1
Petrie’s excavation ref1
Thutmose workshop ref1
tombs ref1
Tutankhamun references ref1
Wilkinson’s visit ref1
Amarna Period ref1
Amélineau, Emile ref1
Amenemhat III, King, sphinxes of ref1
Amenhotep I, King
portrayed in tomb of Rekhmira ref1
tomb of ref1
Amenhotep II, King, tomb of ref1, ref2
Amenhotep III, King
dyad ref1
lion statues ref1
parents-in-law’s tomb ref1
tomb ref1
American Egyptology; see also specific scholars
antiquities collections ref1
Brooklyn Museum, NY ref1, ref2, ref3
Chicago House, Thebes ref1, ref2
Egyptology as academic discipline ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
excavations, rise in ref1
Harvard University, MA ref1, ref2
international rivalries ref1
Museum of Fine Arts, MA ref1, ref2, ref3
Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, IL ref1, ref2
University of Chicago, IL ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Amherst, Baron (William) and Lady (Amelia) ref1, ref2
Anastasi, Giovanni ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Ancient Egypt (Gliddon) ref1
Ancient Egypt journal ref1
Ancient Records of Egypt (Breasted) ref1
Ancient Times (Breasted) ref1, ref2
Andraos, Boutros ref1
Andrews, Emma ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Angelelli, Giuseppe ref1
Annales du Service des Antiquités d’Egypte (Antiquities Service) ref1