Petrie, opinion of ref1
popular books ref1
‘treasure-hunting’ method ref1
Bulaq, Egypt ref1
Bulaq Museum, Cairo
during British invasion ref1
collections ref1
concerns about location ref1
construction and opening ref1
Duff Gordon’s recommendation ref1
extension ref1
flooding ref1, ref2, ref3
French hold on ref1
Grébaut appointed as head ref1
Mariette’s sarcophagus ref1, ref2
Maspero’s resignation ref1
move from ref1
neglect ref1, ref2, ref3
planning ref1
unwrapping of mummy of Ramesses III ref1
Bunsen, Carl von ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Burckhardt, Johann ref1, ref2, ref3
Burghclere, Lady (Winifred) ref1
Burton, Harry ref1
Burton, James ref1, ref2
Butcher, George ref1
Caesar, Julius ref1, ref2, ref3
Cairo, Egypt; see also Giza
airport ref1
Antiqakhana ref1, ref2
Champollion’s arrival ref1
Duff Gordon’s residence ref1, ref2, ref3
early European visitors ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Ecole Française/Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire ref1, ref2, ref3
Egyptian Museum see Bulaq Museum, Cairo; Ismail/Tahrir Square Museum, Cairo
Egyptian Society ref1
Egyptian women ref1, ref2
European clubs ref1, ref2
European hotels ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4