displays at Berlin Museum ref1
firman from Muhammad Ali ref1
Giza monuments ref1, ref2
leaving Egypt ref1
members ref1, ref2
Old Kingdom funerary chapels ref1
planning ref1
postponement ref1
preparation work ref1
prospectus ref1
seeking official permission ref1
successful results ref1
Thebes ref1
trials and tribulations ref1
Upper Nubia ref1
Pückler-Muskau, Hermann von, Prince of ref1
Punt, Queen of, relief Plate 10, ref1
Pyramid Texts ref1, ref2
Pyramidographia (Greaves) ref1
at Dahshur ref1
at Giza
Belzoni’s exploration ref1, ref2
Caviglia’s exploration ref1, ref2
Davison’s exploration ref1
Franco-Tuscan expedition ref1
Lane’s exploration ref1
Mariette’s exploration ref1
Napoleon’s expedition ref1
Norden’s exploration ref1
Petrie’s survey ref1, ref2
Prussian expedition ref1, ref2
Radziwill’s visit ref1
Reisner’s excavations ref1
Sandy’s exploration ref1
Sandys recognizing as tombs ref1
stone robbed from ref1
tourism ref1, ref2
Vyse’s excavations ref1
Wilkinson recognizing as tombs ref1