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woman has turned you against me. She always clung to her silly

beliefs. I fear she will continue to do so until her dying day. Don't

worry, darling. I'll do my best to try to forgive you for your

coldness. We certainly haven't been apart long enough for you to

forget what a wonderful mother I was to you both.

Enough of the nonsense you have been spoon-fed by her. You

will come to me, and you will learn what your gift can truly do.

Please choose wisely, Marina. I may not be able to get over the deep

hurt you have caused me if you make the wrong choice again. We

don't want Mommy to become too angry now, do we? As you

should know by now, the results can be intense – one may even dare

to say fiery.

When you are back in my arms, We'll build our future together.

The true legacy that was always planned for our family will begin.

Under my guidance, your new marriage will make such a powerful

union. How lucky for you that you have chosen so well the first

time. Sometimes, we are forced into situations, and our real path is

blocked. Nevertheless, we can always find the way – Goddess be


How exciting it will be to see what is formed from the mixing of

Sarah's and my bloodlines. Such a combination will ensure my

grandchildren will be even stronger than you both. Our raw magic

will combine to stop even the coldest goddess. Of course, none of

this will happen until you submit. All of this is better discussed

face-to-face. Don't you agree?

You will come to me soon, my dear Marina. I would hate for

any more little accidents to happen. Don't keep me waiting.


I read the note twice, trying to understand it. How could I be so stupid as to

not watch over Meg? Who is this monster that claims to be my mother?

Dropping the letter, I fell to my knees and began to cry. Beating my fists against

my legs, I screamed as the world around me seemed to be crashing down.



My screams were silenced when strong arms wrapped around me. I

struggled against the person holding me. The more I fought to break

free, the tighter the arms held me.

“Stop, child,” Gram's soft voice soothed.

Realizing it was my grandmother, I stopped fighting and collapsed into her

arms, sobbing.

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