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until I was willing to apologize to him for his indiscretions?

I never planned on being your friend when I dressed up as Justice. I

just wanted to know the truth about my husband and the girl in the

picture. You were not what I expected. Instead of a homewrecker, I met a sweet woman who will be a wonderful mom soon. You and your child

deserve better than Jeremy Whittaker.

I know what I am giving you is not enough to set you up for the rest

of your life, but I want you to take it. I can’t force you to stay away from

Jeremy and start again. However, I encourage you to have a life with

someone who loves you and makes you feel proud of yourself. Not a life

of Jeremy’s domination and second thoughts.

The pictures I sent you were just a taste of my dear husband’s flings.

You received a few months’ worth. Imagine the album I could put

together of all of his affairs.

While you were wearing my dress, I was hosting a women’s luncheon

on domestic violence. How ironic is that? But those are memories that

should be buried and forgotten. Looking back when I am old and grey, I

don’t want to think I stayed around to be treated like I was nothing.

From your pregnancy, it is apparent Jeremy has become a little

sloppy about practicing safe sex. As of today, I can confirm he has not passed on any STDs to me. Today. Let’s hope that stays true.

This letter has become a little more preachy than I hoped. I just

wanted to send you a friendly warning. No, not a threat. Not a leave my

husband alone. Because if you want him still, he’s yours. But I would say

that no amount of money is worth what Jeremy will put you through.

Find someone who will share a dessert with you and not make you wish

you had ordered one yourself.

I wish you the best, Ginger. Really.

~ Caitlin Chase

A courier would deliver the letter and the cash to her. The choice she made

was now all hers.

This was it. Time was up. I was free. One last letter, and I would go. I wasn’t

going to pretend I had been kidnapped or missing. I was going to leave him a message.

I placed a vase of black roses on the counter with a note below it.


My senior year of high school, I went to a dance, and I came back

broken. The details of the evening are not relevant… What is important

is the way it made me feel about myself. Because of my own self-

loathing, I was willing to do anything to keep a man that didn’t really love me.

In the beginning, you loved the idea of me. I was the perfect

accessory to your perfect life. As I aged, I lost that new car shine. No matter how hard I tried to keep my twenty-year-old body, I couldn’t. You

shamed me into believing I wasn’t good enough.

Are sens

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