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The stocky man laughed. “I understand that, but one man against so many? Doesn’t sound like good odds. Don’t you want to hear my offer first?”

“I can’t imagine what you want with me.”

“Why, you’ve a good amount of cash on you. But what I really want is a few words. Some answers. I’ve a business offer.”

“What sort of offer?” Jim was studying the slope below. The Appaloosa might pick his way through, but then what? The river lay below. Jim could hear the churning water.

“Security. A partnership of equals. I’ll provide security for your discovery. You need someone to look out for you. Someone to make sure your gold is safe.”

“Seems like I’ve handled that myself so far,” Jim said. “I don’t even know who I’m talking to.”

“My name’s Cord Bannen,” the stocky man said. “And I don’t think you understand how dangerous some people are. These days there’s all manner of claim jumpers, thieves, and sharps. Do you think the big mining companies are any better? They’re the worst ones. Steal it all from you without missing a beat.”

“But you won’t,” Jim smiled.

“Of course not. We’d be full partners. Even split.”

Jim reached into his pocket and palmed the roll of cash. He sorted out the bank note and stuffed it down deep into his boot. He kept the cash in one hand, the reins of his horse in the other.

More sounds came from behind him. The others were closing in.

“Seems like you’ve thought of everything,” Jim said. He started the Appaloosa forward. As he drew closer, he could see Bannen clearly. The man wasn’t so short as Jim first thought; it was more that he was so wide and powerfully built.

He smiled broadly when Jim rode closer.

“Now, I gave you my name, but I haven’t caught yours,” Cord said.

“They call me Lincoln. Abe Lincoln,” Jim said.

“I doubt that very much,” Cord answered. “But we have time to get to know each other better. Tomorrow you’re going to take us to your find and we’ll sort out everything there. Maybe meet that wife of yours. I’ll bet she’s a pretty thing.”

Jim’s fists tightened.

“Oh, you didn’t think we knew about her, did you? Not very smart buying that fancy fabric in the store.”

Jim was close to them now. Cord moved to one side and the second man to the other. “If it’s money you want, I have it here.” Jim held up the thick roll of bills. Both men’s eyes followed it.

They took a step forward, and Jim threw the loose bills at them. The cash fanned out in every direction, most of it toward the open fire. They each scrambled to catch what they could, and that’s when Jim spurred the Appaloosa.

The horse’s shoulder struck Bannen and staggered him back.

Jim was immediately past the fire. A bullet whined overhead. Jim heard Bannen swearing and screaming behind him.

“Get after him,” the outlaw yelled. “Don’t shoot him. I want him alive.”

Jim and the Appaloosa ran on into the deep night.

Chapter 13

Cord Bannen listened to the sound of his future galloping away, the sound of the cowboy’s hoofbeats fading into the night.

They could not catch him, not tonight. After an endless day chasing after the cowboy, their horses were done in. Much as he might want to make one last furious attempt to catch his future, he’d be walking in another few miles, and then there’d be no catching him at all. That damned cowboy and his damned devil’s horse. The beast had run all day and was running even now.

Had he made a mistake? Should they have just killed the cowboy?

Cord shook his wide head. No. No, the cowboy lived and now they had proof positive he’d found something both rare and rich. He wouldn’t leave that. What man would?

He’ll stay and he’ll keep digging until there’s nothing left and sooner or later, we will catch up to him.

John scooped up the cash from around the fire. He held it out, and Cord took it. They would split this evenly. Like wolves drawn to fresh blood, it would keep his men sniffing after the cowboy’s trail.

The others began trickling into camp.

Saul, Teale, the Swede, Liev all came in first. Jacob and Hawk had gone back for fresh mounts. Minutes later, Red followed the others in. The big redhead’s horse wore froth around his nostrils.

Red hopped off his horse and came up near the others. He stared at the roll of money in Cord’s hand with hungry eyes.

“At least we got something for our trouble. Even split, that’s a good take,” Red said. “How much is there?”

“How much is there?” Cord asked. The day’s rage and frustration suddenly swelled up in him like a blazing fire. “A lot less than that cowboy’s mine is worth!”

Red recoiled a little, but his eyes never left the roll of cash. “I only mean—”

“I know what you mean! You mean that you’re content with this pittance. You mean that you’re a dog, happy to live off scraps while the real men move millions.”

Cord drew and fired in a lightning motion. A round black hole appeared in Red’s forehead and he fell into the fire.

“Let him burn,” Cord said, and stared down at the burning body. “I will not be a dog. I want that cowboy found. I want his gold. I want his mine.”

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