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“You’re beautiful.” His voice grew deeper and even more rumbly. “Your body is exquisite.”

A warm shiver ran up my spine, a pleasant sensation right before my stomach dropped so hard it nearly splattered on the bathroom floor. “Wait. What? You can see me?”

“Mm. The view is spectacular.”

I yanked the towel from my head and covered my lady bits. “You can see through my eyes?” I nearly shrieked.

“Of course. And feel with your skin. We are bound.”

“Holy Hecate.” I shut off the light and darted into my room. I grabbed some underwear from my unmentionables drawer and squeezed my eyes shut before putting them on, which was no easy feat. My right leg went through the hole just fine, but my left big toe got hung up on the crotch and I did this little jumping dance across the room before falling backward onto my bed.

“Close your eyes so I can get dressed!” I unhooked my toe and shoved my leg through.

His deep chuckle rumbled all the way down to my stomach. “I don’t have eyes of my own.”

“Ugh!” I grabbed a shirt from my closet, tossed the towel into the bathroom, and spun around. Facing my full-length mirror. “Crap!”

I turned back around and pulled on the shirt. “You could have told me you see what I see.”

“I assumed it was obvious.”

My jaw clenched. It was obvious now that I thought about it. He’d seen the summoning circle and the demon inside it. He’d also seen me completely naked. So much for not getting intimate with my demon.

“Listen here, mister. We need some ground rules. No more peeking when I’m not wearing clothes, and no comments about my body. Got it?”

“If I refuse to comply?”

“Then I’ll sage the shit out of every room in the house. I’ll make sage perfume and cook with so much sage, you’ll choke.” Yet another reason I should have realized he had access to my senses. He’d commented on how bad the sage smelled when I’d tried to evict him. Use your brain, Ash.

“I can tolerate the foul odor.”

I looked in the mirror, slamming my brows over my eyes for emphasis. “For someone who claims to hate witches, you seem awfully hot and bothered.”

“What can I say? It’s been ages since I’ve seen a woman as beautiful as you.”

“Since you’ve seen any woman.” I turned off the lights and climbed into bed, sliding my feet beneath the sheets. “I’m done. No talking while I’m trying to sleep.”

“Your body is stressed. You should pleasure yourself to relieve the tension.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Perve.”

“What man wouldn’t? Give it a try.” He made that purring noise again that filled my whole body with warm fuzzies.

“Stop that. I mean it. I’m going to sleep, and when I wake up, I expect an apology for these unwanted advances.” Leave it to me to possess myself with not only a Prince of Hell, but a horny one at that.

He chuckled. “Understood.”

I lay back and was out the moment my head hit the pillow.

Firm hands slid down my sides before agile fingers toyed with the band of my panties. Lips grazed my stomach, and I reached out to grasp muscular shoulders. His breath, hot against my skin, raised goosebumps on my flesh. I gazed down, and he looked at me with eyes as green as emeralds. He grinned wickedly, and the black of his pupils bled outward, filling his irises before consuming the whites. My pulse thrummed, though not from fear. He pressed his lips to my naval before gliding his tongue downward and sliding my underwear from my hips. Gripping my thighs, he blew a warm breath across my center, and my entire body tingled with need.

“Ash!” My sister’s voice cut through the room, and I bolted upright, awakened from my dream. “Why are you still in bed? We have to talk to Jason in half an hour. Let’s go.” She turned on her heel and left my bedroom door open as she marched down the hall.

My pulse still sprinting, I swallowed the dryness from my mouth and threw off the covers. “What the hell, Chaos?”

“I’m sorry.”

“You better be. How dare you put those images into my mind? I wanted to sleep, not have sexy dreams about the demon in my head.”

“You…” Surprise laced his voice, and I imagined a quizzical expression in those emerald eyes of his.

“You really are a perve, you know that?” I stomped to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

“I’m sorry about the things I said last night. As I mentioned, I have been imprisoned for ages. I should not have spoken like that to you, but I didn’t put images into your head. Whatever dreams you had, sexy or not, they were your own.”

I spit and rinsed. “Yeah, right.”

“I promise I didn’t violate you in your sleep, but I notice you woke up quite aroused.” A smile played in his voice. I could practically see the amusement in his eyes.

“It was just a dream,” I grumbled as I brushed my hair. “You didn’t experience it too, did you? Where do you go when I sleep?”

“My consciousness goes dormant too, and I had my own dreams, which weren’t nearly as pleasurable as yours.”

Fantastic. He came on to me, yet I had the inappropriate dreams. Figured.

I got dressed, doing my best to avoid looking in the mirror or at any part of my body. After getting ready for the day, I found Ember standing in the kitchen, her arms crossed.

“Finally.” She tossed me a granola bar and motioned to the tumbler of coffee on the counter. “We’re late.”

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