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But why not just move it? Why the elaborate stage play? For me? Why? So I could come down on him for having illegal product on my docks?” Liam continued to ponder. “Why put himself in the way of having to hear that? He runs the area, could easily have moved the product out in full view of any guard or even Stone’s inventory team. Sure they could’ve complained about it screwing up their work, but when all is said and done, he’s in charge.

Truth be told, I wasn’t against him moving it. It would have been off my property and I wouldn’t have had to spend most of the week meeting with lawyers and board members to have my brother legally removed from my business. The way this theft played out, was intended for a specific individual, to have that individual believe their merchandise was stolen not simply moved. Now Hump, it could be as you say- this could’ve been a show for me, but very unnecessary, I think. Guns being moved or stolen wouldn’t have earned Em any sympathy from me. Moved or stolen however would make all the difference to a partner.”

Silence commanded the room for less than half a minute before Aaron let out a loud exhale. “How did you figure all this out?” he asked his father.

“Not just how did he figure it out, but can he teach me how to do it?” Pitch raved.

Laughter followed, along with abundant compliments. Liam took it all in stride.

“I’ve been unfortunate enough to deal with a lot of shady types. I wouldn’t have lasted this long, had I not learned to spot some of their ways.”

Soft laughter and conversation laced with compliments continued to flood Liam’s way. Vale tried to keep up pretenses by smiling and nodding, but his focus was on Humphrey. Something told Vale his big brother; who usually had a finger on the pulse of everything, had never seen this coming.


Candace fought to keep the surprise...and disappointment from her voice when she told Pitch what a great time she’d had. He’d just pulled to a stop before her brownstone. Their first date was reaching its end.

It was actually a great date, really. Pitch had driven them to Harlem for dinner at a restaurant that served authentic East African cuisine. Pitch confessed it was his favorite and surprised Candace by accepting her offer to make him a truly authentic meal at her home.

After dinner, they went to a nearby club but spent more time talking than dancing. When they danced, it was only to the ballads which made it impossible for her to keep her mind off the day in her kitchen. When he mentioned how late it was getting, she was sure he was making a reference to their next destination. Perhaps somewhere a little quieter where they could talk a little more and...maybe continue where they’d left off just a couple of days prior.

Not that she was the kind of girl to sleep with a guy on the first date, but...well, hell she was a grown woman. She knew what she wanted. She had her last serious boyfriend two years ago- it had only lasted 8 months. 8 months and she hadn’t spent a fraction of time talking to him as she had that night with Vicarus Tesano.

Now, she was back home, returned as...intact as she’d been when he whisked her away four hours ago. Alright then, so she was disappointed.

“Did you really like the restaurant? It’s not everybody’s thing,” he said.

“Yeah, yeah, I really did Vic, a lot. It’s some of my favorite food, too.”

“Good,” Pitch nodded, a grin that looked almost relieved curving his mouth. “It doesn’t always go over so well.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

He shrugged quickly. “Half the time people wonder why I’d enjoy places like that. The other half think I have ulterior motives for taking them there.”

“Ah,” Candace gave an understanding smile. “They’re offended.”

“Basically,” he inclined his head to add credence to his admission. “I’m too black for some, not black enough for others.”

“Forget them,” she gave a flip wave. “If they gripe over a place like that, they clearly don’t know what good food is and are unworthy of a meal there.”

“Never thought of it like that.”

“Well, start.”

He gave her the benefit of a long stare. Then, he looked away as though he were seeing more than he should. “I better get you inside,” he said.

Candace considered the spell well and truly broken between them. She smoothed a hand over the black cocktail dress she’d chosen for the night and was about to get out of the gray ‘69 Charger on her own. She hesitated when she saw Pitch leaving the car as well.

He came around to open her door. Instead of reaching in for her hand, he took her arm to help her stand. He smothered her elbow in his hold, but she wouldn’t focus on the nerves twisting her stomach.

Quickly, Candace made her way up the stoop to unlock the door. Threshold crossed, she turned to tell Pitch goodnight but saw him following her inside. Her heart joined her twisting stomach as it quaked in a nervous reaction of its own.

Daniella Strong was set to be gone another three weeks at least, but that didn’t mean she’d be comfortable with a man spending the night in her house. Even if it was Vic Tesano. Silently, Candace reasoned that he wouldn’t have to stay the entire night. Three or four hours would be enough to-stop it! She hissed inside her head.

None if it mattered anyway. He’d only come in to make a quick pass through, checking to ensure all was secure. Candace commanded herself to accept the way the night had turned out. She knew enough to guess Vic wasn’t a guy who’d appreciate drama from a woman he’d just treated to one helluva date.

Holding to the non-dramatic role seemed a shaky endeavor, so she leaned on the kind of advice her mother would give. Stifle that bold, take no prisoners crap and be a lady.

Besides, it was that crap that had her all but stripping for him in the kitchen the other day, wasn’t it? No wonder he was trying to hustle out now, she supposed. No man; regardless of how powerful and sure of himself, wanted a woman as forward as she could be.

Pitch stopped before Candace and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Call you tomorrow,” he said.

“You don’t have to do that,” she blurted, bracing when he turned curious eyes her way. “You don’t have to...promise to call. It’s fine with me if you want to call it off right now. Don’t make promises you don’t plan to keep, is all I’m saying.”

Devastation claimed Pitch’s arresting face. “I thought you had a good time?” He queried after what seemed like an hour, but was only a few seconds.

Her jaw dropped. “I-Vic I did, I had the best time-”

“Then why don’t you want to see me again?”

“It’s not that-”

“Then what?”

Exasperated, confused, Candace shook her head in complete dismay. The helpless bewilderment on his part made him more irresistible than he already was, she thought.

“Vic, please, okay? You don’t have to keep acting like you’re still interested-”

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