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“I noticed,” Candace grinned. “How do you feel about that?”

Imani rested against the counter as well. “I like him very much, more than very much I think.”

“And more than like?” Candace followed her probe with a hearty wave. “Forget I asked that last part.”

The young women resumed their cleaning in easy silence, but Imani’s thoughts still hummed around Candace’s words.

Candace was right. She didn’t want a boy she could manipulate. Something told her Roman Tesano was leagues away from being a guy who could be manipulated. Still...she had no intention of returning home until she had experienced everything his kisses promised. Everything.


Athena knocked softly at the cottage door and then once more for form’s sake. She peeked inside.

Stone was back at the house. She’d heard him in his room showering and had come to see if Rosella Campagnone was still there.

Athena wasn’t surprised to find the cottage empty. Rosella had visited the estate often enough with her parents to know her way on and off it. She’d hoped the girl had tapped one of the drivers to take her home. She didn’t need Rubius and Delia Campagnone thinking less of the Tesanos for sending their only daughter home in a taxi.

The idea gave Athena pause. The elder Campagnones could possibly think less of them anyway. Afterall, Rosella had spent the night outside their home. Athena had been sure to call the girl’s mother to let her know Rosella could stay if the evening ran late. Delia had given no argument and Athena hadn’t expected her to. The chance to secure a Tesano husband wasn’t worth losing over something as insignificant as a curfew. 

Sadly, it didn’t appear that a Tesano wedding was in anyone’s immediate future judging from the looks of the cottage. The bed was a tangled mess, but there was a pillow and blanket on the sofa indicating the bed hadn’t been shared.

However...the meal had been devoured as well as the delicious wine Athena had served...and doctored. The additive was composed of a few choice items from her garden. Its consumption should have made for a passionate evening.

The couple should have still been a tad sluggish and yet Stone was up showering. Of course, that could’ve been an extra effort made on his part to give Rosella time to collect herself. Not to mention time for Stone to clear his mind of what, for him, must have seemed impossible.

Had it worked? Athena pondered the matter while peering into the empty wine tankard. Had the lover’s touch of a woman reminded or awakened her son to new desires? She dared not ask such a thing and risk Stone wondering at her true motivation for an evening with Rosella Campagnone. Giaimo had thanked her for raising their son to be a man. She would do what she could to earn that gratitude. For now, she would have to wait and observe. She would also pray that it worked.

More than that, she would pray that her son never suspected the treacherous role she had played in making it happen.


“This was very unnecessary, Tesano.”

Aaron grinned, checking his side mirror as he switched lanes. “We’ve worked together over half a year. You’re safe in a car alone with me.”

Rena flashed a mockingly wicked look from the passenger side of the silver GTO. “It’s you who should be asking if you’re safe with me.”

Aaron laughed. “Point taken.”

They had been working since the pre-dawn hours to finalize the revised proposal for the Tesano board. If the request passed, the company could move forward with the emergency fund for its employees. The work involved with scouring the document to the most minute detail, had been a tedious exhausting chore. Rena had missed the last train that would have gotten her home before dark. Aaron made the offer to carry her and she had promptly refused.

Aaron wasn’t surprised. When he insisted on driving her, Rena’s refusal held an edge that bordered on anger. It was then that Aaron faked being insulted to the point where she felt she had no choice but to accept.

“There! Pull in there,” she was waving an outstretched hand toward the windshield. An empty parking spot waited along the curb.

Aaron frowned, but did as instructed. “So...you live in a diner?” He peered past the passenger window to the storefront.

Rena rolled her eyes. “I usually stop here for a bite before going home.”

“Stopping for a bite?” Aaron’s coffee browns reflected an incredulity. “After that big meal we just had?”

Again, Rena rolled her eyes,. “I don’t have to explain the inner workings of my appetite to you, Tesano.”

“Alright then, I’ll join you.”

“I’m taking it home, not eating inside.”

“Then I’ll wait until your order’s filled,” he was intentionally making things difficult. Rena was on edge for a reason, he intended to find out why.

“No.” She flatly refused.

Despite her unwavering tone, Aaron could see the anxious set to her lovely profile. Rena Abreu never looked anxious.

“What are you hiding from? Rena.” He whispered fiercely when his question seemed to make her recoil. It was then that he saw fear-another uncharacteristic Abreu trait.

“What the fuck, Rena?” Aaron’s face turned stormy. “Are you afraid of someone?”

“Please,” some of the fear abated to make room for annoyance. “You know better than that.”

“I know a lot of people act tougher than they really are.”

“Well I’m not one of them.” Unexpectedly, she leaned across the seat and kissed his mouth. Drawing back a fraction, she cupped his smooth cheek against her palm. “You are the sweetest, dearest, cutest thing I’ve ever known. I’m fine.”


“Go home. Please, Aaron? Promise me that. Please?”

He studied her a moment longer and then rolled his eyes. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered in a show of frustration.

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