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“Their cooking is the only reason me and Vale didn’t mind spending our Saturdays at the factory when she had to work. Imani, I’m sorry,” he tacked on the apology as if it were a natural end to his comment.

Whatever easiness Imani was beginning to feel, vanished.

“In the livingroom, I...um, I shouldn’t have.”

“Why did you? To frighten me?”

“To give you something to consider. You say you want this, but you really don’t know what this is, what it’s really like between a man and a woman when they...it’s powerful, Imani. I thought, if you knew that, just some of it, it might make you think twice about who you share it with.”

“I wanted to share it with you.”

Roman smiled. “But not on a sofa.”

Imani returned his smile. “But not on a sofa.” Despair made an appearance, however. “Roman what are we going to do?”

He reached across the table and took her hand. “Don’t get me wrong, Imani. What happened on that sofa...I want all of it and more from you. You may not believe this, but I also want to be your friend.”

She blinked and her smile brightened. “I-I believe you Roman. I want that too,” she offered a sigh and shrugged. “So, now what?”

“Now we have fun until it’s time for you to go home,” a wicked light filtered in alongside the naturally sly allure of his stare. “There are other fun things to do besides having sex, you know?’

Imani’s expression turned playfully wicked as well. “Are they as fun as sex?” she asked.

“Princess,” Roman fixed her with a look of fake pity. “Don’t ask silly questions.”

Laughter surrounded the kitchen.


“Mr. Tesano, right this way.”

“Gabriel?” Giselle whispered as they followed two tuxedoed men up a flight of clear steps. From the outside, she would never have expected to find such elegance inside the tall brick building near the river.

Gabriel squeezed Giselle’s hand, kissing the back of it when he brought it to his mouth. “Patience,” he said and drew her closer to his side.

The couple was shown through a dark doorway that led into a room glowing with the white light that reflected off the crystal chandeliers and vases inside. The area contained both a living and dining area. The living room seating was all white cushions with silver piping along the sides and base. The square dining table was covered by white cloth as were the chairs surrounding it. The table was topped by silver candlesticks that carried glowing candles. It was set for two.

“Gabriel what is going on?” Giselle asked once their escorts left them alone.

In response, Gabriel took Giselle’s elbow and led her through the living area. Questions fled her mind as the lit city came into view beyond the windows. The image held her attention for a long while until it was captured by another set of the clear steps. Curious, she went to investigate.

The view was even more devastating from that vantage point. Giselle lost interest in that spectacle though, when another emerged. The bed had caught her attention. The kingsized creation was a sea of pillows upon a white quilted comforter. The sight stole her breath.

“I’ve only heard about this place,” Gabriel watched her from the doorway. “I never brought anyone here. For me, that’s saying a lot.”

“Why me?” Giselle still studied the bed.

“Nothing happens that you don’t want to happen,” he said. “I didn’t bring you here for this room. I don’t want you that way.”

“Oh,” Giselle blinked as if startled while she processed his words.

Quickly, Gabriel closed the space between them and turned her to face him. “I don’t want you that way until you’re my wife.”

“What?” Her response was shakier still. “Gabriel you-you don’t know what you’re saying, you don’t even know me-”

“I know I love you,” he blinked and moved back a fraction. “Do you feel the same?”

“I do,” she didn’t hesitate to confirm and her silvery blue gaze sealed it in unbreakable truth. “I love you Gabriel, I-it’s just so fast,”

“For me too. That’s why I trust it.”

She trusted it too. They had spent an enormous amount of time together in the brief period since they’d met. She’d felt their connection, same as he had. It was strong, sweet and she didn’t want to lose it. Ever.

Gabriel led Giselle to the bed where he knelt before her. “Will you marry me, Giselle Weeks?”

She leaned in to cup his unfairly flawless cheek. “You’re crazy,” she laughed.

“Completely,” he agreed. “So take pity on me, already. Be with me forever. I really need the help.”

“Mmm...we both know you have no shortage of that.”

“I’m not looking for quantity. It’s quality I want.” Gabriel looked at the white suede box he cradled in his palm.

Giselle closed her hands around his before he could open the small box. “You may question my quality after what I tell you.”

“I love you Giselle, there’s nothing you could tell me-”

“Gabriel please,” she closed her eyes while shaking her head slowly, repeatedly. “I have to-to tell you s-something.”

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