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The bed waited in one wide corner of the sumptuous suite. It was then that Imani noticed the room’s lighting. Powerful beams of moonlight strove to mingle with the candlelight blazing from numerous sticks of varying heights and widths.

Only four enormous candles were spaced around the bed and provided soft, but more than ample lighting. Imani sensed her nerves getting the better of her, the closer they got to the grand square that teemed with pillows and inviting linens. The snow white comforter had already been turned down to reveal the matching bedding beneath it. On impulse, she clutched Roman’s shoulder.

His steps slowed and he kissed her forehead. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, Imani.”

“I’m not, I swear I’m not, I-” she risked a quick look to the bed. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“You couldn’t if you tried.”

She didn’t look convinced. “I don’t know what to do- what you...what you like...the way other other girls have-”

“Stop.” His dark eyes blazed with sudden annoyance. “You’re the only girl now. Understand that Imani, please. No one has ever come close to competing with you.”

“I only-”

“Imani? I mean what I say.”

Nodding, she bit her lip as her gaze fell to his mouth.

Roman didn’t need her to ask. He kissed her, the gesture continuing as they neared the bed. Imani ignored the lump filling her throat when the bed met her back. She refused to let any fear of the unknown rob her of this night.

Instead of joining her on the bed, Roman remained standing by it.

“What is it?” Imani pushed to rest on her elbows and then moved to perch on her knees and frown in his direction.

Roman shook his head finally, watching her as though he were dazed. “I can’t believe you’re really mine, is all.”

She responded with a whimsical smile. “Here’s hoping you won’t regret it.”

“Here’s hoping you won’t either, Mrs. Tesano.”

They enjoyed quiet, brief laughter before the weight of the moment settled upon them once again. Roman stepped to the bed then, moving close enough to take a braid that had fallen from the lovely twist of her hair that was still near perfect despite the day’s activities.

In response, Imani reached up to pull free the pins and clips that secured the style. Roman’s dazed manner melded into helpless fascination as the braids tumbled to frame her face. He lost the restraint he’d been battling to maintain. His arms came around her, gathering her close as he hid his face in her neck and breathed in deep. Then, he was exploring her throat beneath slow, seeking glides of his lips. When they reached her ear, he sucked the lobe so lightly it may’ve been imagined. He brought his tongue into the act next and held her firmly when she gasped and bristled in surprise.

Roman refused her release and soon, Imani was gasping for a totally different reason. Pleasure swept her body and she leaned in to absorb more of the coaxing sensations. He eventually denied what she yearned for and graced her instead with a wicked smile when she thumped her fist to his chest. He made it up to her an instant later when he nibbled a path from her ear to her jaw, over the curve of her high cheekbone and on to her other ear.

Imani was so preoccupied by the act, she was oblivious to what was going on behind her back. Using his deft touch, Roman had unraveled the ties securing the chemise. Again, Imani bristled, that time, wrapping her arms tightly about her when the garment was on the verge of falling away. Gaze faltering, she barely managed to swallow.

Roman said nothing, only moved away and went about unbuttoning his shirt. Eventually, Imani grew more interested in what her husband was about to reveal than what she was about to. She followed his every move, her maple brown eyes flaring when his shirt parted to unveil the superb chest she’d not had nearly enough time to look upon. Sleek, richly shaded in dark copper and devoid of hair, those attributes had nothing against the range and definition of muscle that looked as though it had been sculpted by the most skilled craftsman.

He came back to the bed, bereft of his shirt, socks and shoes. Still wearing his trousers, he climbed atop the generous mattress and crawled toward Imani. She saw the playful devilry in his eyes, but didn’t retreat until he was within touching distance. She reacted too late and dissolved into a giggling fit when he caught her waist and tickled until she submitted.

Imani collapsed breathless on the bed. She had forgotten about her loosened chemise and was too awed by Roman’s reaction to consider modesty.

He was straddling her on the bed. His midnight stare hooded and hungry as it trailed the lush breasts he’d already decided were sheer perfection. Before, lacy bra cups had shielded them from his view. That time was over. Now, he committed the pouting dark orbs to memory. Captivated, he tugged her free of the chemise leaving her in hose and the panties beneath them.

Imani didn’t look away, not wanting to miss one expression betrayed on his face as he studied her. She prayed none of those expressions would display disappointment.

Roman was far from disappointed. He could barely breathe around the emotion that filled his lungs.

“I’ll love you forever,” he said.

Imani smiled and bit down on her lip in a teasing style. “I won’t look this way forever.”

“You will to me,” he countered her argument without hesitation and knew in his bones that he had never spoken truer words.

“Then I’ll love you forever and a day, Mr. Tesano,” she returned, smiling her brilliant smile when he grinned and brought his head down to hers.

They kissed sweetly, silken pecks at first and then Roman was moving on. His kisses traveled down Imani’s body which trembled in anticipation of things she had little context for.

She grabbed handfuls of the bed covers when he took the tip of one breast between his lips. She had replayed the moment when he had first done it, until the memory was practically worn out from use. In her memories, it had never felt like this. His mouth cruising her bare skin felt entirely and utterly remarkable. The suckling grew hungrier as he partly covered her with his weight, taking care not to smother.

Imani let go of the linens and pushed her fingers through his hair. Instinct took hold and she arched her back, giving more of her breast to his talented mouth. She cried out to the room when her brain registered a second source of stimuli. Roman was tenderly cupping her other breast and using the tip of his middle finger to rub the neglected nipple waiting patiently to be tended.

Her hands were thoroughly weakened and slid from his hair to rest palms up in the bed covers. She arched more sharply, truly ravenous for all he had to give.

Roman intended to provide her with precisely that. Once more, he relieved her of his weight.



She silenced, her uncertainty taking immediate hold again when his strong fingers curled into the waistband of her hose. She swallowed hard when he tugged the fabric, but found no relief from the steady climb her heart made to her throat. Again, he tugged at her hose, silently encouraging her to lift up and assist in the removal. Imani complied, her enchanting gaze locked on his bottomless ones. Surprise hit her when an unexpected rush of air nipped her bare bottom. She discovered he’d not only removed her hose, but the panties beneath. Her eyelids fluttered until they closed over her eyes. Self conscious, with her cheeks burning from embarrassment, she averted her face and found a pillow to burrow into.

Imani wanted to curl into herself when she felt Roman give a final yank to the gauzy stockings and completely removed them. She was sensitive enough to feel his fingertips travel up from the tips of her toes, along her calves and thighs. Still, she would not-could not face him. Roman didn’t press her to and she was grateful. It was all she could do to lie there and not jump out of her skin while his touch grew bolder, more...familiar. She bit the corner of the nearest pillow when his thumb took scandalous liberties with her most intimate possession. Up and down, he stroked the petal soft folds of her sex until she moaned and squirmed. He abandoned the caress, ruthlessly ignoring her dismayed sigh.

Imani felt the bed dip beneath his weight again, but she didn’t open her eyes to see exactly where he was. It didn’t matter. Soon, her focus had returned to his touch.

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