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He hadn’t counted on her strength. She was firm under his hands, a testament to youth but he sensed there was more. He believed that strength wasn’t merely relegated to her body, but to her mind as well.

“Fucking idiota,” he sighed and slammed the trowel into the soil with more force than called for. He didn’t know Athena Cavalese any better than he knew any of the other beauties that flocked his way. He’d indulged in a fair number of those offers, but nowhere near all. Still, he was far from a saint. Besides gaining carnal knowledge of those beauties, he hadn’t been interested in knowing more as he expected to be bored.

What was it about her that made him think otherwise? She was brazen, yes. Definitely not the type of woman a man would easily tire of. Seductively speaking, that is. Was she the kind of woman his mother had been to his father? A partner, confidant? Was she the type to draw weapons and stare down bandits with her man as they defended their home? He didn’t know, but the fact remained that he wanted to. Something told him he wouldn’t be disappointed.

The thunder resumed its rolling. They would have a stormy day upon them, he surmised.  Focused on the job at hand then, he resumed hacking at the weeds and scooping out the rocks that had found a home in the neglected garden.


Liam made great progress and finished with the yard work in time to head to Nandi’s place beyond the eastern hills before lunchtime. They had made plans to meet their other partners to go over the details of the DiCenzo job and were able to handle that business before the sky delivered on the rains its clouds promised.

Prior to leaving the house, he’d asked Athena not to prepare anything for his dinner. He could tell by her devilishly acquiescing smile that she wouldn’t listen. The memory brought a smile to his face, one he kept in place as his home came into view around the road’s bend. The smile remained, as curiosity stirred when he saw the woman pounding at his door.


“Fool!” Athena’s expression was as stormy as the afternoon skies when she whipped open the door to Mariana Martino. “What are you doing here?” She took note of the girl’s blood-shot eyes and dull pallor. “Does my father know you-”

Mariana was already shaking her head violently. “When are you leaving here?”

“I haven’t decided. I told you so the last time we spoke. Yesterday, correcto? You simpleton!” Athena hissed. “Don’t you know it’s dangerous for you to be coming here like this on your own? Bandits crawl these parts all times of day and night. They wouldn’t hesitate to drag you into the hills.”

“Would you be upset if they did or would I just be a nuisance out of the way now that you have your Prince Charming?”

“Prince Charming?” Athena practically laughed off the accusation.

Mariana took advantage of the moment to pull her lover into a kiss.

Athena shoved her back. “What did you expect to happen, you little idiot? Did you think we would run away together? Go to my father and ask for his marriage blessing? Did you think we’d find a little villa and live like they do in fairytales? Sei pazzo!” You’re crazy! She spat.

“You said we could be together,” Mariana’s tone was hollow.

Athena’s violet eyes narrowed acidly. “I told you we could be together that day, Bella. I never pledged undying love or devotion, only pleasure, mio dolce,” My sweet, she cooed.

“You used me.”

“Oh please, Mari! Wasn’t I used as well?” Athena moved closer to nudge her breasts to Mariana’s. “Weren’t you curious? Wanting to keep your virtue intact but experience what made your sisters gasp and moan with their husbands? What their husbands would’ve eagerly given you if you weren’t so...chaste? I gave you that. Pleasure and your maidenhead still in tact.”

“You liked it!”

“You’re right,” Athena smirked. “I did and I left you with your freedom and respectability.”

Mariana bristled. “Is that what you want then, Athi? To be left alone free and respectable?”

Laughing, Athena drew the back of her hand down Mariana’s cheek. “I’m long past respectable, Bambina. My freedom is the most valuable thing I possess. I do owe you that, angel.” She nudged the girl’s cheek with her nose then.

“If we hadn’t met that day, none of this would’ve happened. My father wouldn’t have chased me over that ridge and into Liam Tesano’s arms. I would’ve never known my freedom lay so close.”

“Free to be with Liam Tesano?” Mariana’s wide eyes brimmed with tears.

“Oh Mari,” Athena sighed, tucking wisps of the girl’s windblown curls behind an ear. She kissed the tears that spilled. “Don’t cry, amor, all isn’t lost,” she winked. “As long as you know how to pleasure yourself, uh?”

Mariana managed to laugh through her tears. “Can we ever be together, Athi?”

“Not for a while. It’s not safe.”

“Are you in love with Liam Tesano?”

“I’d be a fool if I weren’t. He’s very lovable.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever want a man,” Mariana’s nose twisted in distaste. “No man could make me feel what you do.”

Athena kissed her cheek. “You’re sweet.”

Mariana kissed Athena’s mouth again. That time, Athena accepted.

“We’ll have to be fast,” she whispered and drew Mariana into the house.


Liam gave the women several minutes alone inside before he took the rest of the road and steps leading to his front door. He listened for conversation, but didn’t expect to hear any. He touched the door handle, but hesitated before turning it.

Did he want to know what was happening on the other side? Did he need to see it? Couldn’t he imagine well enough given what he’d seen at the door? He twisted the handle, wincing in expectation of hearing the wood creak. No sound betrayed his arrival and he took that as a sign to move on. They weren’t in the kitchen or living room. A faint rustling caught his ear and he turned to Athena’s door which was cracked a sliver. He moved closer, hesitating when a tremulous moan hit the air.

Hesitation gave way to curiosity, one that had him closing the distance to the door. At first, his eyes were drawn to the weak flicker on the wall from a low burning candle. Then, his gaze shifted toward the bed. The scene there rendered his legs so weak, he had to brace a hand to the wall for support.

A woman lay naked on the bed. Athena straddled her, same as she had Liam the night before. Unlike the way she’d straddled him, however, her knees were on either side of the woman’s head. Her face was intermittently displayed as Athena rose and settled above her.

Both woman twisted in pleasure. The woman with Athena worked her hand feverishly between her own legs while she took Athena just as feverishly with her mouth.

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