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“Did Rosella say anything?”

“Stone!” Athena sounded close to hysterics. “Why would she say anything to-”

“I woke up in bed with her that morning. I don’t remember anything before that. It’s like I was drugged.”

“Drugged?” Her laughter harbored a nervous tinge then. “That’s going a little far, my love. The wine was very strong though, and you two drank a lot of it that night. The servers said there was none left.”

“Why would they tell you something like that?”

“Oh Stone, please.” In a huff, Athena propped a fist to her hip. “They knew I hoped the two of you would get along. Abundant conversation, wine gone...”

“And a bed conveniently nearby.”

She bristled. “What are you implying?”

Stone gave in to some of the weariness claiming him. “I think it’s safe to say she was a virgin. I’d like to know if I changed that?”

Slowly, Athena perched on her desk. “I understand your concern, but I’m hardly the person she would discuss that with.”

Stone’s jade stare reflected satisfaction with his mother’s argument. “You’re right. What’s her number? We should talk.”

“Stone, I-well, she doesn’t have a number of her own, you see? Being always on the go with her training, she-”

“Where is she? I’ll go to her and we can talk in person-”

“She’s not in town, but I’d be happy to try getting a message to her,” Athena got to her feet then. “The girl is busy learning to be something other than a man’s footstool. It may be some time before you hear from her. Now,” she turned to collect the items she’d been studying.

“If the interrogation is over, I’ll see you at home.”

Stone watched his mother stalk from her office. Instead of following her out, he took the place she’d relinquished on the edge of her desk and considered his next move.


Maxixe, Mozambique~

Located along the Indian Ocean, Maxixie was the largest and most lucrative city in the Inhambane Province of Mozambique. The place was known and loved for its fishing, but its sublime location made it popular among travelers with an array of interests.

The Kamande expedition arrived after setting out just over a week prior. The trip was time well spent for all involved, especially for those new to the venture.

Roman was feeling especially confident after completing his first safari. Among their many wedding gifts, the couple received a top of the line 35mm camera from Aaron. He’d left instructions for the newlyweds to take plenty of pictures detailing their excursions.

Roman proved the enthusiastic photographer. The shots were modest at first, then gained depth and precision as the exploration continued. By the time they had arrived in Maxixe, he had used almost six of the twenty rolls from the film package Aaron was thoughtful enough to include with his gift.

The groom wasn’t the only one who found his confidence during the honeymoon trip, Imani had also settled into a kind of rhythm in terms of her role as a new wife. The uncertainties she’d experienced about doing unseemly things with her husband had since vanished. Those uncertainties had been replaced by an eagerness to learn all there was to know.

Imani’s parents had presented the couple with their most extravagant gift yet. An oceanside villa. Their travel companions left the honeymooners with their solitude and took up accommodations in the expansive fishing lodge a quarter mile up the beach. The villa was more of a cottage, a cozy three rooms with the bedroom being the largest. Convenient, since the couple decided to spend most of their time there.

Imani had gone out for a swim near sundown on the day of their arrival. Roman enjoyed lounging on the patio that faced the ocean. He was a picture of contentment in white cotton PJ bottoms and nothing else. When Imani returned from her swim, he handed her the large white towel draped on the back of the wide chair he occupied.

“Grazi,” she thanked him in Italian.

“Karibu,” you’re welcome, he returned in Swahili.

“You’re learning,” she cheered.

Roman quirked a brow. “So are you.”

“Why didn’t you join me out there?” she asked, waving toward the active waves with their plentiful whitecaps still visible in the day’s waning light.

He shrugged. “More fun to watch you.”

“Is it?” Boldly, she removed the cherry red halter of her bikini.

“Mrs. Tesano,” Roman made a pretense of looking around and then reclined to appreciate the view she gave. “We’re outside,” he cautioned.

“So we are.”

He nodded. “You know it wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me to take advantage of you out here.”

“Maybe I didn’t come here looking for a gentleman, but a scoundrel.” Her heart flipped when his dazzling grin flashed against the copper-toned face that was further darkened by his weeks in the sun.

“I guess I can help you there,” he had her straddling his lap before the last word settled on his tongue.

Imani cupped Roman’s face and pushed her tongue hungrily against his. Strong hands were gentle on her bare back, fingertips strumming a silent yet erotic tune along her spine.

His touch glided down until he was cupping her hips and then the curve of her bottom still clad in the filmy fabric of her bikini. The material was ripping moments later. Imani gasped, providing Roman more room to explore her mouth. Meanwhile, she reveled in the freedom of her nudity and cried her approval when he rubbed and squeezed her nipple. His teeth and tongue ravaged her earlobe and his name was a quiet plea on her lips. That plea gained volume when his strong fingers probed her sex.

Roman’s head sloped forward, long lashes fluttering when his eyes closed and he savored the deep well of moisture that he encountered.

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