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“Zach?” Aaron probed.

Zach didn’t look eager to respond to his initial outburst.

“It’s either good news or bad, man,” Pitch reasoned.

Zach approached the conference table with the page in hand. “It’s definitely not good news,” he said.


Dhows were common sailing vessels among the waters of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. It is uncertain whether they were invented in Arabia or India, however. Imani had shared with her husband what great fans her aunts and uncles were of the boats whatever their origins. Isis Kamande’s brothers had made their fortunes amid the waters of the Indian Ocean. Imani told Roman of numerous outings on the ships with their large, distinctive triangular sails.  

The Djao brothers were fishing enthusiasts of the highest order. Stories of their prowess with line, tackle and even spear, had earned them reputations throughout the country and along the eastern shore as a whole. The excursion to Maxixe was as much about celebrating with their niece and her new husband as it was for business reasons. The Djao lodge was one of five such establishments the fishermen operated. Their prominent fishing lodge was just down the shore from Roman’s and Imani’s honeymoon cottage which was also owned by the Djaos before the Chief had asked to purchase it as a wedding gift for his only daughter.  

Business, however had taken a back seat for the last five days when the brothers set sail for a pleasure cruise. Imani’s uncles were eager to test Roman’s skill as a fisherman. When he told them he was a city kid and explained what that meant, the men forgot about testing him and set out to teach. By day three, the Djaos were confident their efforts would end in success and fully welcomed the young Italian into their massive Mozambican family.

The newlyweds enjoyed a delicious seafood dinner every night they sailed. Now, at the last night of their voyage, the couple decided to skip dinner, preferring to spend the night aboard the dhow that had been specially outfitted for their use and privacy. With the exception of the crew, Roman and Imani were alone aboard the middle boat in the modest seven vessel fleet. Their cabin was compact, yet cozy and complete with everything honeymooners needed-a bed.

Despite their relative ‘aloneness’ Imani was conscientious enough to muffle her potential outbursts in the nearest pillow. Roman was at her back, his perfect teeth grazing her shoulder. Her braids were pinned in a large, loose ball atop her head and left her shoulders bare. Her legs were entwined with his as he took her from behind, with strong steady thrusts that were as enthusiastically given as they were taken. Their legs formed a sensual rope of long, toned limbs.

“Quiet,” Roman shuddered when Imani failed to stifle a shaky cry in the pillow under her cheek.

Imani made a better effort when he began to suckle her earlobe. Still, the effort was a chore especially when she was being plumbed by so many sensations and from so many pleasure points. Roman curved his hand over her hip and eased it between her and the mattress they trampled.

“Roman,” she gasped into the pillow each time his thumb brushed her clit. At the same time, he cupped her breast and treated the nipple to similar erotic torment.

Her reactions were uncontrolled and vocal, forcing Roman to withhold the infectious caresses.  He flipped her to her back so she could see his dark eyes filling with phony impatience.

“I can tell you need more than a pillow to keep you quiet,” he said.

“What do you suggest?” she panted, her expressive eyes passion-glazed.

“A few things,” he said, “but let’s try this for now.”

He kissed her, his tongue driving deep into her mouth. Eagerly, Imani circled her arms around his neck and fully engaged in the sultry act. Soon, Roman was spreading her thighs wide to make room for him again. He claimed her with a swift stroke that made her pound her fist to his chest and kiss him more passionately. They peaked as one, long moments later. Imani had gone back to smothering cries in the nearest bed pillow. Roman groaned his satisfaction into the generous valley between her breasts as he released hard and generously inside her.

They had scarcely come down from their high, when insistent knocking resounded on the cabin door.

“Think they’ll go away if we ignore it?” Roman slurred where he still languished at Imani’s chest.

“Doubtful,” she sighed, “Aunt Kesi left instructions with the crew not to interrupt us in here. Everyone fears her almost as much as they do my mother.”

More knocking fell to the door. Roman groaned, pushing away from his wife with great reluctance. “Guess we shouldn’t let the guys risk their lives for nothin’.” He gave Imani a threatening look before leaving the bed. “Don’t even think about getting dressed.”

She snuggled into the rumpled covers and appeared overjoyed by the idea.

In no time, Roman had sprinted down the short corridor that shielded the rest of the cabin from whomever waited on the other side of the door.

Imani was wiggling into a new spot on the bed, when Roman returned. It didn’t take long to realize her husband’s mood was...changed. She sat up, keeping herself folded in the covers.

“Roman? What is it?” Slowly, her eyes drifted to the envelope he carried.

He tossed it to the bed. “News from America.”

Imani reached for the envelope, inspecting it. “You haven’t opened it.”

Roman’s dark eyes seemed impossibly darker. “I don’t need to, to know it’s nothing good.”


Roman was right. The envelope contained nothing good. The news from America was tragic.

Imani stood when he returned to the fishing lodge lobby where they had the boat take them after reading the envelope’s contents. He’d gone to use the phone in her uncles’ office to call his brothers and business associates.

She cupped his face in her palms and searched his troubled eyes. “Did you reach Gavis?” She asked.

“Yeah...it’s confirmed.”

Imani put a hand to her mouth. Closing her eyes, she looked to be in the midst of prayer. “His cousin?” She asked when she looked to Roman again.

He only shook his head as if to indicate that news was bleak.

“Should we leave tonight?”

Roman shook his head again. “We don’t have to leave early. Everybody thinks it’s better if I stay here.”

“Better?” Imani probed.

A fierce light sparked in Roman’s eyes. “Safer. Useless,” he hissed.

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