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Humphrey laughed while he signed the document Jude Ophion had just put his name to. “What’s the use of being on the hiring board of your apartment building if you can’t put former employees on the payroll? For a while, anyway.”

“You think he’s still holding something back? In addition to what he gave me?”

“No.” Humphrey didn’t look up at his new partner. “I just wonder if you’re the only one he discussed me with.”

Ophion laughed. “You need to do something about your untrusting nature, my friend.”

Humphrey grimaced. “Must be the company I keep.”

“So how long will you humor him?”

“Til I’m satisfied he doesn’t have anything to bite me in the ass with once he’s dead.”

“I advise you against waiting too long to send our Mr. Kreel on his way,” Ophion said, “You never know who may still be looking for him.”

Humphrey smiled and passed his new associate another document to sign. “Oh, I’ve got a pretty good idea,” he said.


“Jeez Rome, what are you feedin’ these guys?”

Roman grinned at Gavis Eamon who was sitting on the den floor. The man faced Isak and rolled a giant red ball to the toddler.

“I think they might take after Pitch,” Roman joined in when Gavis laughed over his observation.

“Well, Hill’s already a giant,” Gavis added. “The kid’s not even five yet.”

“No, he’s still got a few months to go.”

“His classmates are gonna be terrified.”

“Good. Nobody’ll fuck with him.”

“Fuck.” Four year old Hill Tesano said from the spot he’d scooted into behind his father. Roman had been on the floor as well, leaning against the base of the sofa. He had been watching his boys play when Gavis stopped to visit.

Hill burst into a fit of giggles when Roman suddenly reached back to lift him high and bring him around to playfully gnaw at his pudgy stomach. He put his forehead to Hill’s.

“Bad word,” Roman said.

“Mommy says no,” Hill replied in a whisper.

“Right.” Roman kissed Hill’s mouth and sent a sly grin to Gavis. “Mommy says no to bad words.”

Gavis chuckled. “This daddy thing suits you, man.”

“Come join me, then,” Roman sent his old friend a wink.

“Oh no,” Gavis laughed and rolled the ball back to Isak. “Definitely not ready for that sh-that stuff,” he promptly rephrased to keep another bad word from the air.

Roman shook his head. “No one’s ever ready, man. My dad always made it look so easy. Truth is, no one can tell you how it’s done and then you’re in it and...” he trailed his fingers through the crop of fat ebony curls covering Hill’s head. “It’s the greatest thing you’ve ever done.”

“That’s why it scares the life out of me,” Gavis admitted. “To be that tied to something. That... vested and to lose it. Your dad knows what that’s like.”

Roman nodded, his sigh heavy with memory and regret. “I don’t think he’ll ever get over losing Stone. I doubt it’s possible to.”

“Same with my Uncle Hank,” Gavis put in. “He’ll never get over Craig’s death in that explosion. I think he takes some comfort knowing the guy was working for us, doing something he loved-what?” Gavis frowned at the look Roman angled his way.

“I thought your uncle’s name was Henry?”

“It is,” Gavis shrugged. “We call him Hank-same difference.”

Roman was suddenly scrambling to his feet. Hastily, he put Hill on the sofa and dropped an absent kiss to the top of his son’s head. Then, he was reaching for the phone on the high table behind the chair and dialing furiously.

“Detective Cory Weaver,” he said once the connection was made and then put his hand over the mouthpiece. “Henry Kreel. The guard?” He prompted in response to the blank look he got from Gavis.

“What about him?” Gavis looked annoyed. “We’ve been looking for him for years. The guy’s a ghost.”

“Yeah,” Roman’s features sharpened with equal annoyance. “A ghost by another name,” he said.


“I can’t decide if he’s got my eyes or yours.”

“Mine!” Giselle called from where she sat on her vanity.

Gabriel laughed and then sobered a little after a moment. “I never thought this was for me, you know?” He lay flat on the bed, smiling up in wonder at his son. He held the child high, moving him in slow arcs symbolic of a plane flying above while Brogue giggled and cooed his delight. After several minutes, Gabriel shifted and put the baby down. He smiled down at him while Brogue continued to babble and bump plump hands to his father’s strong jaw. “I just never thought this was for me, you know?”

“What?” Giselle turned on the mini settee before her vanity desk. “Fatherhood?” She queried, with a saucy smile.

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