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“I don’t want trouble, Ric.”

“Who does, Li? Sadly, trouble finds us all. The ones who survive it are the ones prepared to face it.”

Liam considered. “I’ll agree to a few men only. I don’t want us seen as some kind of organization.”

“Agreed.” Nandi’s expression chilled. “The Americans believe everyone whose name ends in a vowel belongs to some type of mafia.”

Laughter followed the observation, but the effort was forced between the two men.

“Only a few men, Ric.” Liam reiterated. “I want it known that we are taking precautions, but I don’t want us seen as a threat. Understood?”

In reply, Nandi raised his glass.


Alma Fabrics, the name Liam selected for the warehouse, was located in the New York City garment district. Unofficially, the place was dubbed Tesano Textiles by Liam’s partners in honor of the man bringing everything into existence.

The facility was just over 2 ½ miles from the Bleecker Street rooming house, which seemed an acceptable route for all parties concerned at the time. The journey on foot was an energetic 45 minute trek. By car or truck the trip was around 20 minutes and a more realistic jaunt once the group’s trucks arrived from Italy.

All parts of the plan were working nicely together. Liam was able to secure an audience for the showing. If Athena was nervous, she didn’t show it. At least, not overtly. Liam noticed a trace of jumpiness, but decided it couldn’t be helped in light of what they were attempting. She appeared exuberant, expectant as the truck weaved through the bustling NYC streets on their way to the warehouse. Her creations were secure in two boxes on the flatbed.

“I haven’t said ‘thank you’!” He called over the noise of the streets.

Athena looked around quickly, capping off her appraisal of the city through the windshield. She favored him with a ready smile. “I’m the one who should be thanking you. You’ve given me a dream I never even bothered to dream, it was so impossible.”

“I suppose we’re giving each other dreams,” Liam said.

There was laughter then and the trip continued in easy silence.


There were a few last minute cancellations but overall the show was a success. They topped out with six buyers from local boutiques and department stores. The three uniformed men-guards- at the back of the showroom drew curious looks, but the event went off without upset.

Applause and compliments flew, especially when the buyers learned how quickly Athena had created the featured items. There was concern over production time, which eased once Liam showcased the patterns which Athena had also created. Liam explained their staff (who had yet to be hired) would be instructed on how to use them.

To sweeten the deal, the featured items were given as gifts to the attendees. The group was clearly pleased by what they had seen for orders poured in prior to the small reception that was to follow the show. The audience had been completely charmed by the possibility of acquiring garments of the same quality as their authentic counterparts but for a fraction of the cost.

It was all an immense success, but sadly the star of the event fell ill not long after the showing. Liam found Athena in one of the offices. A glass of water trembled in her hand.

“Congratulations,” he whispered excitedly when he knelt before her. “Say, we might have time to catch a film after this. I hear there’s a new Bogart starting.”

Athena smiled weakly over the mention of her favorite film star.

“You know, you don’t seem very happy for a woman who's just charmed a room full of men.”

The weak smile failed shortly after it flashed. “It’s probably just the excitement,” she said.

Liam squeezed her hand around the glass. “The reception’s starting. Maybe you’ll feel better after eating something.”

Athena grimaced then as though the thought made her sicker. “Food is the last thing I want.”

“Alright then,” Liam pushed to his feet. “Wait here, I’ll let Nandi know we’re leaving.”

“Liam, no,” Athena looked even more upset. She scooted to the edge of the ladder-backed chair and sent some of the water sloshing from the glass. “Don’t do that. I only need a few minutes here. All the preparation for the show most likely wore me out. Don’t upset the event you put so much work into.”

He returned to kneel before her. “This wouldn’t have happened if not for you.”

Athena offered a miserable laugh. “Still giving too much credit to the unworthy.”

“What will it take for you to stop feeling you’re so unworthy?” he asked.

She smoothed her hand over his flawless cheek. “Still so very sweet. My dear Liam, it would take me being a different person.”


The ride back to the apartment was quiet with Athena sleeping much of the way. She was barely awake when Liam parked the truck and came around to lift her from the seat. She tucked into him, inhaling the reassuring smell of soap and outdoors that always clung to him.

“I’m sorry Liam,” she slurred.

“Shh, don’t worry,” he pressed a kiss to her head. “The day was a success.”

“I’m not talking about that.”

“I know,” he said.


Liam set aside the papers he’d been reading in order to watch Athena enter his room later that night. She smiled while taking a turn around the cozy office, den, bedroom. The hem of her robe swept the low rug as she moved.

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