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Roman had recently learned the perfect word to describe his relationship with Athena Tesano- contentious.

He wasn’t sure when all the contention began. Perhaps it was during one of his mother’s diatribes-another new word-about Pitch. Specifically, the fact that he should never forget he was a bastard and more specifically that he was half black. The woman’s rants on that particular aspect of Vicarus Tesano’s chemical makeup was always chock full of spiteful insight.

Roman wouldn’t say he hated his mother. He wouldn’t...say it. Thinking it... with a quick shake of his head, he worked to clear his mind of that familiar train of thought. When that didn’t work, he decided that browsing more of the museum’s colorful splotches couldn’t hurt.

He left the men’s room and made a quick turn into the first brightly lit room he found-and was stricken.

At first, he couldn’t be sure what he saw was real. A girl with amazingly perfect posture sat on a white leather bench in the middle of an art-filled space...and put to shame all the masterpieces therein.

Roman couldn’t tell whether she was part of the exhibit or a living observer. He doubted she was connected to the exhibit, though. It was dedicated to weaponry and she...well she looked like the exact opposite of anything capable of violence and destruction.

She looked like serenity. That was a word he knew, but never thought it could be attached to a person. Jesus...she was...the word beautiful came to mind, but seemed so average, so ordinary a description for someone so...hell, he really needed to expand his vocabulary.

Roman hunched a little closer to the wall in an effort to remain hidden. He was on track to reach 6’6 by the fall. He wondered how tall she was, what she’d feel like next to him and-Jeez! Get a grip, Tesano.

She moved then, answering his question of whether she was real. Poise held every second it took to bring her hand to her cheek. Roman realized she was brushing her face as if to remove a tear. His hand drew into a fist, but he paid it no mind. He wanted a face to face with the unknown force that had caused her pain.

With unwavering interest, Roman continued to regard the girl most keenly when she looked up at the man who approached her. Her face was flawless and dark. He couldn’t say he’d ever seen skin so dark. His fist was still clenched tightly enough to clip all circulation. There was no chance of willing it open as he glared at the man who had approached her and offered his hand.

He was way too old for her, Roman thought grimacing when she put her hand in his. She didn’t meet the man’s eyes and something in her manner roused a need in him to follow and ensure her safety. He shut out the voice telling him he was an idiot.

She stood and Roman subjected her to a sweeping scan beneath magnetic dark eyes. She was tall, not nearly as tall as he was but far taller than any girls he’d dated.

He’d only been officially permitted to date for about two years. He’d been...intimately acquainted with the opposite sex for much longer. Despite his experience, he felt completely ill-prepared to approach the girl er-young woman just a few yards away. Everything about her said, class, sophistication, style.

He regarded her outfit and wondered if she was royalty. He had no choice but to agree when the voice in his head once more chimed the word idiot.

The regal looking couple didn’t leave the room. They didn’t move at all, actually. Roman noticed a second couple approaching from the room’s opposite entrance. He noted that the men were dressed in identical suits, but brushed off the thought that they were any kind of security.

The other woman was small, almost miniscule next to the taller people she had come to stand in the midst of. As he observed, Roman could tell that the small lady was undoubtedly the one in charge. She wore a stern look, one Roman knew all too well. Her tone of voice was another giveaway. Someone was being given a message they’d be smart not to forget. Unfortunately, he had no idea what was being said as he couldn’t make out the language. His first thought was Spanish, but that wasn’t right. While something African was perhaps the best guess, what he heard wasn’t that. He wasn’t the complete stugats Hump liked to think he was. He had an ear for languages.

The small woman rounded out her rapidly delivered lecture. Silence followed and it became clear she was waiting on a reply. Roman watched the young woman incline her head a fraction and then her voice took flight in the lofty gallery.

“Compreendo, Mamãe,” she said.

Roman didn’t move until the women were led from the room by their escorts.

“Portuguese,” he realized and leaned in more heavily against the doorframe. He wasn’t sure his legs were anywhere near capable of supporting him.


One Week Later~

Athena Tesano required and held a family dinner at least three times per week. Lately, that number had dwindled between one and none. When she threatened to bring a packed meal to Tesano since that was where everyone spent so much time, the men in her life made a point of showing that evening.

The feast had definitely been worth the effort to make it home on time as it turned out. Crusty garlic bread, Bruschetta, Spaghetti Bolognese, Penne with garlic and wine sauce and Chicken Caprese filled the dining room with a stupendous medley of fragrances. Tiramisu and Sorbetto for dessert made for a remarkable eating experience.

For a time, there were only the sounds of utensils clattering on dinnerware and casserole dishes. Not to mention the soothing hum of mixed conversation. No staff served during one of Athena’s command dinners. The hearty meals were always prepared by her and her alone. She delivered each generously filled casserole dish to the table. The only thing she left her staff to see to was the clean up once the meal ended.

That evening was shaping up to be one for the dirty dishes record books. The dish of Bolognese had already been scraped clean and one of the four bread bowls was already empty.

“Word around the factories and Tesano headquarters is that my sons seem to be men who know their business.”

Liam’s words sent a rousing cheer soaring from the younger men at the table.

“I’m proud that you’ve all stepped into your roles with a professional and energetic spirit,” Liam added when some of the noise settled. “Especially, my eldest who knows this business better than any of my so-called seasoned employees.”

“I don’t know how you do it, Pop,” Humphrey said once the cheering in his honor had died down. “I’d go crazy behind that desk all day,” he added.

“You should move over to personnel then,” Aaron called from his end of the long maplewood table. “I hardly get to see the office Bennett and Wentz reserved for me.”

“Personnel?” Humphrey said the word as though it were a disease. “I still can’t believe you went over there by choice. I think I’d shoot myself if I got shipped there.”

Everyone laughed, including Aaron before he got serious.

“It takes a special kind to handle it, I admit but no business can survive without it.”

“Will I see those words in your proposal, Ari?” Liam asked his second born.

Aaron shrugged, grinned. “Could be.”

Following more light hearted laughter, Athena leaned close to Aaron who sat to the right of her place at the end of the table. “Are you sure that’s where you want to devote your time, my love?” her violet eyes slid down the table toward Humphrey. “Your brother is having such an exciting time with the executives and then there will be all sorts of travel involved.”

Aaron’s smile was as soft as his soulful brown stare when he looked to Athena. “I’m sure, Mama, trust me.”

“I do, my love,” Athena patted her son’s cheek and let her eyes search his face in an adoring fashion.

“Speaking of travel plans, how’s all that coming?” Liam questioned Humphrey who sat to the right of him at the opposite end of the table. “Be sure to keep your brothers informed so they can adjust their schedules.”

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