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“It’s not fair to judge the child on the sins of the parents.”

“There is no need for that this time. Kapango has done a fine job of crafting his own disgraceful reputation.”

“Do you not feel that the man can be redeemed, Jer?”

“I do, but he doesn’t seek redemption Papa.”

“Jer,” Hilar Kamande sighed. “You make these explosive claims with no proof. Kap on the other hand, seems to be trying to remake himself. Can you not give him the chance?”

Imani tensed. “I might be willing to try.”


“If...you would allow the engagement to require your consent...and mine.” She deflated as if the request had taken everything from her. She watched her father fold his paper and silently consider.

“You’re asking for privileges I don’t even grant your brothers.”

“Only because they haven’t asked.”

The elder Kamande’s laughter flowed in heavier then. The gesture gleaned appreciation from the waitresses and early morning female diners as well. The father of five was still a very appealing man. The full bodied roar of his laughter carried across the partially filled dining room.

“My dear, Jer!” The man dabbed the back of his hand to the corner of his eye. “You do make me laugh!”

“It’s not my intention, Papa. Not with this. This is my life, my future.”

Kamande appeared apologetic. Leaning forward, he took Imani’s hands in his. “I can appreciate how difficult it is being the youngest. Being the youngest girl...I can’t imagine. I am sorry for making it more difficult for you.”

“I’m not the only one, it's difficult for, Papa. You shouldn’t be surprised when Raj starts to complain.”

“Complain? Whatever for?”

“He’s in love with Meena. You and Mamae will probably find her unsuitable when you get around to Raj’s turn down the aisle.”


“Yes, Papa, she’s my-”

“I know Meena, love. How long has this been between them?”

“Let me see...since they were ten.”

Hilar Kamande seemed to melt back against his chair. “It would seem I haven’t been paying attention.”

“Oh Papa,” Imani moved closer still to squeeze her father’s hands inside hers. “You do your best and your best has been brilliant. You are a busy man.”

“It’s no excuse for losing touch with your children,” he argued. “Remember that, Jer.” He smiled then and observed her with a more humored regard. “Since you have your finger on the pulse of the family business, would you tell my youngest son I would like to speak with him?”

“Papa,” Imani’s dark eyes glistened. “Yes, yes I will. Thank you.”

“As for Kapango Nassor,” Kamande patted his daughter’s hand. “No decisions will be made until we return home. Perhaps we could all do with a bit more time to think- it’s not a decision to be made so far from home, yes?”

“Oh Papa,” Imani shuddered and bolted from her chair to hug her father. She was still clutching him tightly, her arms squeezing his neck, when Roman approached the table.

She straightened with a gasp and tried to cover the reaction by quickly clearing her throat. “Roman.”

“Imani,” Roman barely nodded, his eyes never shifting from hers.

Other than the familiar restaurant sounds of plates settling, cutlery on dishes and faint chatter, silence held between Roman, Imani and her father. When Hilar Kamande began to whistle, Imani jumped as if startled. Roman angled his head to hide his smile.

“Papa,” Imani waved gracefully, “This is Roman. Roman Tesano, he um...Roman, this is my father Hilar Kamande.”

“Chief Kamande,” Roman stepped forward, his hand outstretched. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Appearing impressed by the greeting, the Chief quite obviously sized up the younger man during the handshake. “Tesano,” he noted while a curious frown tugged his brow and he looked to his daughter.

“I told you Papa. Roman came to my aid last night while I...spoke to Eka. He...”

As Imani talked, Roman followed her every move. He liked that she often used her hands to emphasize meaning. Pride unmistakably and surprisingly took root in his stomach as he listened to her champion his efforts from the past night.

She had a different look that morning, he noted. Less regal, but still as incredible. Her long braids were parted down the middle and wrapped into a ball on either side of her head. The outer edge of the ball was fringed by the beads that dangled from her braids. A yellow t-shirt brought attention to her breasts.

She was sweet and sexy and Roman coughed sharply at the realization of where his eyes were. Hilar Kamande was still sizing him up and probably not paying a damn bit of attention to his daughter’s rave review of the guy who stood watching her like she was something he wanted to devour.

“I owe you a debt, young man.”

Roman immediately returned to the subject at hand. “No sir, I didn’t really do anything.”

The chief nodded. “My sons are formidable men. I haven’t seen many with nerve enough to stand up to them.”

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