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Monty grinned. “Glad you’re okay with it, but I’m not so sure that seven foot giant of yours would agree.”

Before Persephone could query the statement, Monty was moving closer to where she stood near the table.

“I hope we’ll wind up on another case together in the future,” he said.

Persephone smiled even as she shook her head. “No offence Monty, but I pray it’ll be nothing like this.”

More easy laughter followed and then Monty was squeezing Persephone’s hand.

“It was good to know you, P,” he said.

Persephone watched Monty’s departing form until he was gone from sight. Alone in the spotless kitchen, she debated on whether to go on up for bed and decided she wasn’t quite ready for sleep. Instead, she opted for a bit of fresh air and left through the back door at the far end of the airy space.

The night was cool, but not uncomfortably chilly. Happy with her choice to venture outside, Persephone reveled in the breeze brushing her skin. Arms and legs were bare thanks to the sleeveless denim dress she’d kicked around in that day.

Simple, flat sandals admitted air between her toes. That sensation, combined with the wind tousling the heavy tufts of her clipped onyx locks, completed the sensation of total rejuvenation.

Her stroll took her past the shack that held Luke Baker, one of the men responsible for forcing SyBilla from her own home. Persephone waved to the guards on shift and kept walking.

She veered from the area where the prisoner was located and moved toward the thick shelter of trees where her rental waited. It was parked in the remote area she held a special fondness for, several yards away from Bill’s house. Following Bill’s rescue, Persephone had traded the larger SUV for the smaller crossover model. The previous vehicle sparked memories she was eager to forget.

Grateful for the solitude and the stillness of the night, Persephone claimed her spot atop the hood of the white Infiniti. She settled back to study the lofty trees that practically blotted out the starry sky and inhaled several refreshing gulps of air. Relaxed there on the hood with the windshield supporting her back, she indulged in the peace of the moment.

She smiled then, recalling Monty Besson’s earlier comment. “Gorgeous chef, hmph…”

The idea was cause for amusement in Persephone’s opinion. ‘Chef’ was a label she could agree with and secretly take pride in. The ‘gorgeous’ part was what she found absurd and chuckle-worthy.

She was a woman who took little, if any, stock in her looks. Persephone had to wonder if that outlook was a testament to the course of her life. She’d taken little opportunity to devote time to such things as hair and makeup in her youth. That was for sure.

In truth, there was no need for such things. Persephone James may not have taken much stock in her looks, but her looks were undeniable.

Waves of bottomless black stirred against the night wind. Long ago, she’d cut her hair into a more manageable length. The unruly locks were naturally streaked with prominent traces of walnut brown. Equally prominent were the eyes, heavily lashed, almond shaped orbs of startling silver. Her small nose merely emphasized the eyes and fullness of her mouth.

She was leggy, undeniably curvy and carried it all with a surprising fluidity. Yet for all those attributes, the woman lounging as if without a care, possessed a humble and compassionate soul. Those who knew her would say those traits were the only ones she truly acknowledged and valued.

Persephone would have agreed. After all, she’d seen way too much in her life to value what had little to do with character.

The steady breeze still maintained a comfortable chill, but Persephone thought she should head in before she drifted off. For a woman who slept as deeply as she did, morning-quite possibly noon- could find her curled up in a snooze on her car. With that thought, she ordered herself up and discovered Hill Tesano in front of the hood.

This was who Montieth had referred to; she thought. Hell, she’d have had to be brain dead not to get that metaphor. She supposed she and Hill hadn’t done as good a job at hiding their connection as she’d thought. He was nowhere near seven feet, though. Was he? He did tower over every one of the Vestige agents in residence, though. Given that, she guessed ‘giant’ was an apt descriptor.

Cowardice had managed to seep in. Its path was slow but noticeable. She’d known her previous attempt at offering him explanation for her disappearance had been pathetic. Now was as good a time as any to fix that.

“Hill,” she slid to the edge of the hood, her intention to scoot off. “We need to talk,” she said in the next breath.

“Right,” Hill nodded, but didn’t move to give Persephone room to ease from the hood of the SUV. Instead, he covered her bare calves beneath his hands and then coursed up until he was cupping the backs of her knees.

Persephone couldn’t find her words. They were there, but being stifled by the lump of need his touch had conjured.

“Hill we-we need to talk.” She spoke the words as though she was trying to remind herself. Dazedly, she followed his hands on her legs.

Hill was following the trail of his touch as well. “I know we need to talk, Goddess,” he tugged her into him. “But just now, I don’t give a damn about it.” With that, he took her mouth and then proceeded to take the rest of her.


Taking her mouth...yes...yes that’s exactly what it was. This was no simple kiss. It was a claiming, a coupling, a possession…

He treated her to several potent thrusts. His tongue stroked the sides and roof of her mouth in a deliberate display of hunger and desire. Persephone gasped and he took total advantage of the additional room she gave him to explore.

Persephone could almost feel her blood zipping through her veins- the pace was that erratic. Her senses were significantly heightened after spending so long in a state of deprivation. She had almost forgotten what a climax felt like and damn if she didn’t feel the delicious symptoms of one taking a vice hold on her hormones.

What the hell? He was only kissing her. Fool, Persephone chided herself. Had it been so long that she’d also forgotten what a skillful mouth like Hill’s could do to a body? Yes, she thought, yes it had been so long, She hadn’t forgotten, but she wasn’t about to deny a reminder.

Hill focused then on coaxing her tongue to cooperate, he’d actually appreciated it at first lying dormant during the initial moments of their kiss. That had given him time to sample and savor the sweetness he knew waited beyond her tempting lips.

A quivering moan crept out from behind the lump lodged in Persephone’s throat as his tongue engaged hers. It was so pitifully easy for him to tease out her cooperation but she felt no shame in the fact. She hungered for him- hungered to touch him and she moved to lift the hem of the white T-shirt stretched across his stunning chest.

“Mmm mmm…” Hill denied the action as his tongue thrust savagely then against hers. He would dictate the unfolding of their scene and he was far from ready to come out of his clothes. He wanted her out of hers, though and he started to accomplish that by continuing his journey past her knees. He worked his way up her toned thighs until his fingertips were grazing the lacy fabric of her panties.

Soon after, Persephone was on her back before him, splayed upon the hood like his favorite treat- one he would never have his fill of. He abandoned her lips and proceeded to bathe her with the tongue that had just filled her mouth so perfectly. Intermittently, his tongue grazed her cinnamon brown skin and then his teeth were nipping and gnawing choice points along her body as he bared it to his jet stare.

“Hill...wait,” she felt his fingers curling into her panties and knew the garment would soon be in tatters. “There’s a house full of people…” Another gasp hit the air when she heard the fabric rip.

“They won’t come out in the rain,” he sucked at her collarbone.

“It’s not raining,” she gulped.

Hill didn’t respond, he was too lost in her. It was a wonder that he could even smell the rain on the air- his nostrils were so full of her scent. It was like some blend of sea-kissed breezes and berries… God he had missed her.

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