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“I know, Baby.” Emboldened, she scooted off the bed, knelt beside him. Hands curving over a bicep, she was tugging him around to face her. Next, she was putting a sweet kiss to his mouth and cupping his cheeks in her hands.

“I know and please don’t think I’m not enjoying this, but...do you think you could maybe put off killing him until we find out what he knows?”


Sondrio dissolved into another flurry of moans, whimpers and sputters when he woke to a bucket of icy water in his battered face.

Dessert was not quite finished when word circulated through the mansion of the cousins’ fight. More accurately, it was word of Hill’s attack which had circulated. By the time an audience had gathered outside Persephone’s room door, there was nothing to see except the demolished state of her suite. Hill had his cousin moved to the wine cellar that spanned the entire eastern wing of the house.

Hill kicked at Sondrio’s once polished loafer to assist in rousing him. The shoe was then scuffed and smeared with Sondrio’s own blood.

“Enough with the theatrics, Son. I pulled every one of my punches.” Hill claimed.

A measure of his faculties regained, Sondrio spat on the cobblestone flooring. “You broke my goddamn arm! You call that pullin’ a punch, you son of a bitch?!”

Sondrio’s howl echoed through the cellar when his cousin’s fist connected with his cheekbone.

“How ‘bout that?” Hill had squatted close to sneer. “Disrespect my mother again and I promise you won’t wake up from the next one.”

Hill moved and Persephone stepped in to put herself between the men. More at home in boots, jeans and a dark Henley sweater, she remained out of Sondrio’s spitting distance as she watched him.

“You might get out of this without losing any more teeth if you just tell us about Shannon.”

Sondrio appeared ready to spout more insults, but his good eye shifted to where Hill paced a few feet behind Persephone like a lion in wait.

“I have nothing to say,” his tone was soft and cordial.

“Forget it, Sef,” Hill studied his cousin then. “I’ve got somebody coming to set his arm.”

“Why? So you can break it again?” Sondrio accused.

“That arm’s about to be the least of your worries, man. This cellar is gonna be your home away from home for a few days. I’m afraid it won’t be a home sweet home, but at least you’ll have company.”

Hill’s spiel ended as a door opened. Persephone noted that it was one she hadn’t even realized was there, but guessed a house that old would have labyrinths upon labyrinths of corridors and doors lining them. She took note then of a petite, silver haired woman entering the cellar. At her back, were two taller, orderly types. The orderlies carried blue tubs filled with an assortments of gauzes and supplies to set Sondrio’s arm in a cast and sling.

Persephone focused on the small woman again. Despite her hair color, the woman’s skin was still porcelain smooth. She carried a dainty looking white tray and could have passed herself off as about to serve tea were it not for the array of intimidating syringes and scalpels lining the surface.

Persephone watched Hill go to greet the woman with a hug and cheek kiss. A genuine smile curved her mouth as she took in the sight. What a paradox he was, she thought. One moment, beating a man unmercifully and the next applying a gentlemanly kiss to a lady's hand.

“Sorry to call you away from your girls, Gary.”

The little woman met Hill’s apology with a wave and set aside her tray. “They need the rest,” she said. “I’ve been a little frisky lately.”

“Lately?” Hill grinned. He knew the woman never traveled without a bevy of twenty-something beauties who served as her personal companions. Gary was known to change out her girls before they hit the ripe old age of 24.

“Anyway, when they told me I had a wayward soul needing my attention, I thought it’d make for time well spent,” Gary explained.

Persephone observed the intriguing woman with curious eyes. She heard the rustle of Sondrio’s clothing as he shifted against the chair his legs and one good arm had been strapped to. She spared him a look that held for a few seconds longer than intended. Sondrio’s eyes were fixed on the small woman as well and he appeared terrified.

“Oh-oh my…” Gary’s focus had shifted to Persephone by then. “My Lord, Hilliam…” She patted a hand absently against Hill’s abdomen where her diminutive height topped out against his. She brushed past him in route to Persephone, extending both hands as she approached.

“Good God, but you’re a stunner,” Gary eyed Persephone with a repetitive scan that had her head moving up and down for several seconds.

“I think she’s a little above your age requirement, Gary,” Hill pointed out.

Gary continued to observe Persephone. “For this one, I’d make an exception.” She smiled with a touch of knowing. “If only I didn’t care about having my arm broken,” she sent Hill a cunning look and then regarded the orderlies sternly as she snapped and pointed in Sondrio’s direction. The cunning look returned to her face as she once more regarded Persephone.

“Not that I blame you for going to such lengths, Hilliam,” Gary all but purred the words.

Hill moved closer, drawing Persephone near as he made introductions. “Dr. Persephone James, Dr. Garrett Mance- Gary to her friends.”

“Nice to meet you,” Persephone offered her hand for a shake.

Gary obliged the gesture. “Consider me a friend, love and you’re a doctor as well. What’s your field dear?”

“Oriental medicine. Acupressure.”

“Impressive indeed…”

“And may I ask yours?” Persephone glanced to the tray of syringes and scalpels.

“Let’s see…” Gary’s pastel blue eyes warmed wickedly. “I suppose you could say my… research involves...certain dysfunctions of the male anatomy.”

Persephone nodded slowly, sure there was more to know, but understanding the time wasn’t right to inquire.

“Beauty and brains in abundance, Hilliam,” Gary sighed. “You have topped yourself this time, my friend.”

“What the fuck is this? What the fuck’s she doin’ here?!”

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