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“Do you think I’m afraid?” Shelanon sneered. “Who among you can say they’ve created the things I have? Saved lives on grand scale? I’ve saved lives, created them, and improved them. You have no idea what sort of sacrifices accomplishments like that require.”

“Sacrifices?” Dena moved forward then, a hand on the butt of the weapon holstered at her hip. “Like using children for your own twisted ends? Speeding up their development in order to sell them to the highest perverted bidder?”

Instead of answering, Shelanon regarded Dena with a combination of intrigue and male appraisal. “You are quite stunning my dear,” he said finally.

“Yes. She is,” Carlos agreed, his weapon already drawn.

Shannon grinned. “I meant no disrespect, son.” He looked back to Dena. “I wonder if you know how many advances women of your color have helped to make in studies of the skin?”

“I couldn’t give a goddamn.” Dena seethed.

“You should. It’s all quite fascinating.” He looked to Marcella and then Persephone. “The darker tones...your skin is more resilient to the ravages of age you see? I have a predilection-”

“You have a lot of predilections, you sick fuck.” Bill spat.

Shelanon’s pale blue eyes widened. “Ah...SyBilla. I almost missed you there. How small you are-”

“Fuck the plan,” Caiphus snarled and went for the grinning naked man. “I want him dead now-”

“Easy boss,” Dreck caught Caiphus and held him back. “Easy, let the kids have at him. They’ve earned it.”

Shelanon heard the request and uncertainty made a quick flash in his gaze.

Caiphus nodded, backed down.

“Why me?” Bill hated that she needed the details.

“Answer her,” Caiphus’ voice sounded like it was grating over metal. He strained again visibly against Dreck’s hold.

Shelanon seemed more unnerved by the small group of children who watched him with virulent gazes. With effort then, he looked to Bill. “She was-she is unique. I’ve had my eye on her and her family for quite a while.” A trace of his earlier amusement returned. “Did you know your uncle tried to sell you to me to secure his place in BIO? Can you believe that? That Marc…

I met him through Charlton Browning-I think you all knew him as Cufi Muhammad. I was just a newbie on the island then. Lord he was a character, that Marc. Stoked my curiosity and I had to find out more about him and his friend who were so close to the Tesanos. Then, I discovered the rest of Marc’s family-such beauty. But that Marc- he was a beautiful devil in his own right.

Completely without morals, he was. He actually thought your parents would let him have you as burdened down as they were by your illness. I once asked him what became of that plan-he hedged on the answer. I think he knew your father would’ve killed him before he finished the request.”

Shelanon smiled fondly. “I knew he’d be a great asset over the years. He was one of several I strategically placed to keep an eye on those I knew would one day become enemies because of the advances I’d make.”

“You’re deluded,” Persephone sneered.

“I was. You’re right about that, beautiful,” Shelanon nodded slowly, sorrowfully. “I was deluded for thinking my critics would ever cheer my advances.” He looked to Bill again. “You know I speak the truth, SyBilla. If only I could’ve gotten access to your medical records, knowing what you primarily suffered from...comparing it with your vitals after you beat it...who knows what advances I could’ve made.”

“That’s what you needed?” Bill moved forward, her voice small. “What I had to give over willingly?”

“I had a lot of information except that one piece.” Shelanon bristled. “Your father being who he was-he went to great lengths to ensure his family’s privacy. Medical privacy was part of that. I needed you to break those sealed files. I was sure you’d never agree to that so I...contented myself with learning what I could about you through any means at my disposal.”

“But you knew a lot already. How? Marc?”

“Your uncle was happy to share what he knew-it was only to prove he had access to a female that could secure his entry into the organization. I was only on the fringe of those discussions back then. It was the Tesanos Marc was really trying to impress in those days.

But then, my research began to take on a life of its own. There were advances that had real medical value. I got the attention of doctors worldwide, including your own SyBilla. A doctor Jonas Baird?” Shelanon smiled when he saw Bill blink in recognition of the name. “It was all very ethical I assure you. Dr. Baird reached out to see if I could assist him with your case. It was some time before I got back to him I’m afraid. When I did, you’d found a way to beat your sickness. You really had my attention then! Of course, there were still lingering complications with your health...but we fixed those, didn’t we?”

Dena turned suddenly, making a mad scramble to a far corner. Carlos followed, holding her hair and rubbing her back while she was sick. No one, aside from Shelanon perhaps, cared about the waste on the smooth, stone flooring. There would be more.

“I’m afraid this is the end of our walk down memory lane,” Bill said.

“Understood.” Shelanon raised a shoulder in mock regret. “I know you were all hoping for more current info. Apologies.”

“Apologies aren’t necessary. I’m sure you’re familiar with Doctor Garrett Mance?” Hill laughed when he saw Shelanon shudder. “Yeah, her name and talents do get around, don’t they? Relax. The doc’s with my cousin and Sondrio’s being real cooperative in return for keeping his family jewels in working order.”

Hill leaned on the wall behind where Shelanon sat. “I wish I could properly thank you and Vale for taking him so deep into your confidence.”

“Please! There’s no proof there.” Confidence hugged Shelanon’s boast.

“Well,” Hill eased his hands into his pockets, nodded. “Turns out Son didn’t know where you really were, did he? He played that role just like you most likely played our uncles who probably never knew where you really were either. At any rate,” Hill sighed, pushed off the wall. “Son may not have known your true location, but he knew his business.” He smiled when Shelanon eyed him curiously.

“Thing is, people have a bad habit of wanting to know how much money they’re making even when it’s illegal and especially when they’ve got dreams of taking over the bank. Very shortly a whole lot of your clientele will be behind bars and who knows what tales they’ll tell. Son kept detailed records, Jake. They grew more detailed with all the info Eva fed him.”

“Should’ve killed that little bitch before I ever left the island.” Shelanon hissed.

“Oh don’t worry,” Caiphus called from his leaning stance against an opposing wall. “We’ve taken care of it.”

“And now it’s my turn?” Again, Shelanon shrugged. “There’re others following my work, you know?”

“One psychopath at a time,” Brogue spoke up then.

Shelanon gave an eye roll. “Oh yes...it’s easy to label me and those in my profession as psychotic-none of you could make the sacrifices we do for the sake of others.”

“Sacrifices like the ones you made for your family- your wife and Saffron?” Persephone queried.

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