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“Their world tour starts in six months and already sold out. First UK group to have the number one single here and US simultaneously. Their reality movie similar to Madonna’s Truth or Dare, launches within the year.” I stopped for a breath. “Their debut album hit number one in twelve countries. They’ll release a new one annually for the next five. Record sales hit over four hundred and fifty-thousand copies in the first week.”

“Impressive, yet if I’m facing bankruptcy. Who’s to say this venture won’t go all to pot and nail the coffin shut?”

“The biggest fragrance names are your competitors and they’ve done their own due diligence. I’ve dug deep and believe you have the advantage. You own the Dallas Bulls; You own Imperial. Your raw materials company can fast track your production and reduce prep costs, a killer combination. The full P and L indicates it’s a good property to capture.”

“Points well made, Emma. Very well made.” He glanced at his watch; a gesture now as familiar as his tented fingers. “I’ve a Zurich conference call in fifteen minutes’ time. While you meet with Harry Steinberg this, I’ll give it a go with our finance expert. Shall we reconvene at eight to review over dinner?” Pleasant tone, no inflection. We shook on it. Nothing says I have the upper hand like meeting in the former suite of the Prime Minister who brought his country out of World War Two.

I returned to my suite grateful for the break from Julian’s exhausting intensity, no doubt the way Ethan felt about me at times. I called the concierge and scheduled a spa massage for the next morning, then dialled Cam Hampton and agreed to see him after I met with Julian’s attorney. I ached for a nap but to finalise a letter of intent and term sheet with Julian, I needed as much inside Cam Hampton, UK Connection inside scoop as possible. If Cam expected a kickback, so be it.

An hour later, firm handshake given, I sat down with Harry Steinberg, his contract, and non-disclosure agreement, as straight forward as Julian promised. After a deep breath, I dickered over a few technical points, tacked on a fifty-thousand-dollar annual clothing allowance and twenty thousand dollars to my salary. I asked for a two hundred-and-fifty-thousand-dollar bonus if Julian were awarded the UK-C deal.

We shook again as Harry agreed to revise and email the contract to me ASAP. It arrived in time for me to email it to Darlene before heading to meet Cam. If I’d learned anything to date it was not to trust anyone completely, especially men. I’d never sign anything again without my attorney Darlene Drake’s confidential review. We’re loved in the beginning but men can be fickle. A woman must negotiate when she’s wanted. Cam’s renowned Groucho Club hummed with arts and entertainment members who, no doubt, had endless trivia on the country’s teen sensation. I gleaned additional tidbits from his helpful UK-C chat, including two of the three bidders’ offered royalty rates. I’d hold this intel close to the vest until I had deeper knowledge of Julian in action.

I agreed to a twenty thousand gratuity for Cam if we were awarded the license. U.S. dollars not Pound Sterling made it a very good deal. The night was young. By the time I returned from Groucho’s, Darlene had reviewed, redlined, and emailed the contract. I, in turn, emailed it to Attorney Steinberg before I left for Julian’s penthouse at seven fifty-five.

“I trust all went well with Harry and we have a deal?” he asked over an aperitif.

“I hope so. I made a few changes and emailed it to him. As long as you can live with my amendments, I’ll sign tomorrow.”

“I expect acceptable changes. A toast. To our partnership.” I raised my glass with pride.

Julian suggested dinner before business and asked if Ethan had received his package and enjoyed the game.

“Oh! I assured him I’d tell you. He was thrilled. I was busy with the restructure proposal. Ethan took our friend Adam Donavan. His firefighter brother died in The World Trade Centre and Adam takes Ethan to Knicks games in his place, a huge honour. This was the perfect way to show appreciation.”

“I’m touched.”

“And thank you, as well, for the most recent set that arrived just before I left.”

“I’ve put a lot on your plate. We can’t have Ethan idle while you’re away. How long have you been married?”

“Close to fifteen years.”

“And Ethan supports you and your career.”

“He does. What about you, Julian. Marriage? Children?”

He frowned. “Divorced. No children. Long, arduous hours building my companies. Ultimately we grew apart.”

“I’m sorry. Ethan’s sports career and coaching stints give us different schedules. Different agendas mean our share of struggles but he’s wonderful at bringing out the best in kids.”

“You appear to manage well. What are his hobbies?”

I paused. “On-line sports betting, fantasy football. He and Adam have bonded over it, over sports in general.”

“I’ve mates who dabble as well. I suspect this new on-line gambling will likely make a lot of blokes very rich.”

“Ethan thinks so. He studies college football stats like the stock market. Handsome watch.” I changed the subject as he made his cursory check

He tapped the rectangular face, banded in black alligator.

“Uncomplicated. Keeps me on schedule. Girard-Perregaux Vintage Nineteen Forty-five. Partial to Swiss manufacture, of course.” He grinned. “I’ve another, I’ll show you some time. Multiple time zone chronograph. An ostentatious gift, frankly, but just the thing should I decide to pilot my own Gulfstream, or play tactician for the Volvo Ocean Race.”

“You don’t have time to take up either sport.”

Julian laughed. “Correct on that score.” Staff cleared the meal as we returned to business. “I shared your documents with my CFO and four board members. We’re in agreement with your findings as well the UK Connection deal. Milan tomorrow gives us a go with the full board. If passed we shift into high gear. I offer whatever’s needed as you’ll be the face of negotiations.”

“I’ll be rested, then a morning workout and massage before we leave. I appreciate your confidence. I have a good feeling but could use some insight on them.”

“Twelve men, each at the top of his game. Here from Madrid and Milan. Others align with Zurich. Two live locally and invest globally. To a mate, diverse with common threads in the arts, fashion, luxury goods, even five-star hotels and spas.”

“Diverse? Arts, fashion, luxury goods, yet not a woman among them.”

“Fair enough. We’re wheels up at three; plan lobby departure for noon. I’ll pitch our proposal. You’re to lay out the offer. Discuss whatever’s to be considered. They’ll be intense but receptive. Three quarters are investors, balanced by key advisors. Be yourself. Your business acumen’s as appealing as your—, as the rest of you. Before another reprimand, I suggest we call it a night before we collapse.”

I returned to my suite thinking about a watch for Ethan as I punched in his number. He answered with his Julian enthusiasm. We discussed my current adventure for an hour and closed with his reminder of his Madison Square Garden tickets the following night. “Enjoy, hot shot. The red eye puts me in New York by eleven Saturday morning.”

At dawn I snatched the London daily from my doorknob and did a double take. A line above the masthead, complete with a shot of Julian, referenced interior coverage of the Royal London Yacht Club dinner. I flipped to the entertainment section. A two by three of Julian and me sat cantered a photo collage of the Commodore, fleet captains, MPs, and The Prince of Wales.

I cheered the coincidental timing of being back in England to find it, and put it aside to show Julian before packing it for Ethan. I was established in the trade press, but this was a new level. Julian was a bigger VIP than I’d realised. Perhaps, with the UK Connection deal in hand, he’d think the same of me.

Milan. I thought of the Christopoulos consiglieri enthusiasm for all I must see. How I hoped those kind, cultured gentlemen had nothing to do with Carmine’s treachery. Nikos Christopoulos looked to me for guidance but there was no comparison with the powerbroker studying papers across the aisle Nothing like this.

He and I worked separately during the two-and-a-quarter hour trip. This board meeting was the real deal, not Carmine Isgro’s fake collection of who-hahs pretending to be business men. Julian Petrenko had me at the top of my game.

We landed and went directly to the dinner board meeting. Despite my fanatical preparation, I hoped Julian’s pitch would convince them. His presentation eased my anxiety and bolstered my confidence. I offered additional information on a few points, personal opinions on others.

He looked at me. “Thanks to Emma we joined the action before the deal went to our competition. And my thanks for helping convince my teams of our extraordinary opportunity.”

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