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Interested in the plight of the poor and unfortunate

Must support us in our charities and other ventures

Passable looking

Allow us to be ourselves

Be able to support a family

Must love us in return

Something was missing. Unfortunately, she could not think what it was. She put the list back in the drawer. It would come to her sooner or later. At the moment, she must meet her sisters for their ride in the Park. It was the first time they had been allowed to go with only a groom in attendance.

As usual, she was the first one to arrive. Robertson, her groom and a former soldier, cupped his hands to help her mount Galyna, her Cleveland Bay. True to her name, she calmly stood until Alice’s sisters, Lady Eleanor Carpenter, Alice’s twin, and Lady Madeline Vivers arrived a couple of minutes later.

Alice turned her mare toward the end of the square. “Shall we go?”

“Yes,” her sisters said in unison.

Six years ago, Alice and Eleanor’s eldest sister, Grace, who had fought for and won guardianship of them and their five brothers and sisters, had married Madeline’s brother, Matheus, the Earl of Worthington, thereby combining all eleven of the brothers and sisters into one family. Before their marriage, because just seeing the way Grace and Matt looked at each other they all knew the two were going to wed, they had decided they would refer to each other as brothers and sisters without regard to last names or blood ties. One look at Madeline, and Alice and Eleanor silently agreed that the three of them would be triplets, and they included her in everything they did. Still, Eleanor’s bond with her twin was as strong as ever. Shortly thereafter, Charlotte, their next eldest sister, Dotty, her closest friend, and Louisa, Madeline’s eldest sister, wed. They were now the Marchioness of Kenilworth, the Marchioness of Merton, and the Duchess of Rothwell respectively. The next one to wed was Augusta. She was now Lady Phineas Carter-Woods. All of them were extremely happy in their marriages. Alice wanted the same for herself and her sisters. Fortunately, Matt had told them that as long as a gentleman was eligible, the decision would be up to them.

As they trotted to the Park, it was clear that spring had indeed sprung. Trees were green with small leaves, and the forsythias were already bright yellow. Even daffodils and crocuses were coming up.

Eleanor glanced around, smiling. “I cannot believe we are finally here.”

Alice was not able to resist trying out the bored drawl she had been practicing. “We have been here for years.”

“You know what she means.” Madeline cast a glance at the sky. “We are finally making our come outs. It seems as if we have been waiting for years.”

“We have been waiting for years.” Eleanor grinned. “So have Matt and Grace.”

Alice would not have described it as waiting. “You mean they have been dreading it for years.”

Eleanor met Alice’s gaze. As much as Grace had been preparing them for it, if they wed this Season their lives and Madeline’s would be very different than before. It was strange to consider the changes.

“At least we will not be without assistance.” Madeline smiled brightly. “For a very long time, Matt has been saying that it is “all hands on deck.”

Alice laughed. Madeline had mimicked his stern command perfectly. What was interesting was Matt was the uncontested leader of the family that now included one duke and two marquises. All of whom had already arrived in Town. Only their sister Augusta,, who had promised to return for their come out, her husband, and their eldest brother Charlie, Earl of Stanwood had not yet appeared. They had been traveling on the Continent for several years. Alice hoped they arrived home soon. Augusta and Charlie had promised they would.

Alice and her sisters raced to a large oak tree then ambled around the Serpentine. Almost unconsciously, Alice followed her twin’s lead and started Galyna back toward the gate.

“Why are we turning?” Madeline sounded surprised.

“I am hungry.” Eleanor said. “By the time we are home, we will have just enough time to wash and change before going to breakfast, and . . .” She paused. “I wonder who they are.”

“Who?” Madeline peered around Eleanor.

Alice leaned forward to be able to see around Madeline.

“Do not stare. They could see us.” Eleanor’s sharp tone caused Madeline and Alice to straighten. “There were two gentlemen riding just off to the side. They were galloping.”

Madeline leaned forward again. “What did they look like?”

“They both had reddish hair, but of different hues. Well dressed. One rode a black horse, and the other horse was gray.”

Madeline’s brows came together. “I wonder if they are the type of gentlemen who will be introduced to us.”

“Only time will tell,” Eleanor replied as they rode through the gate and trotted up Upper Grosvenor Street.

A boy running out into the street waving his hands startled Alice. Eleanor’s horse shied, but she was able to bring her under control. What had the child been thinking, or had he? Whichever it was, it was a stupid trick.

Alice moved next to her twin. “Eleanor, are you all right?”

Her face was pale but determined. “I am fine.”

Alice was about to suggest they question the boy, but Eleanor shook her head.

Jemmy, her groom, rode up. “That weren’t no accident, my lady. He was standing quiet until he saw you.”

“Thank you, Jemmy. You have confirmed my thoughts. Come, Adela, let’s go home,” Eleanor spoke to her horse.

Why would anyone want to scare Eleanor? They wasted no time getting home. As soon as they reached Worthington House, their grooms came to take the mares.

“Good morning.”

Alice was glad to see Charlotte and Louisa strolling toward the house holding their older children’s hands. Charlotte, Louisa, Dotty, and Grace all had children in the five-year-old range.

“You must be joining us for breakfast.” Alice hugged the children.

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