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He and the footman bowed (again) and departed.

She glanced at Giff, who had piled meats and cheeses on to a piece of buttered bread and topped it with another piece of bread spread with mustard. If she ate that much she would not be able to eat dinner. She took some salad, added cheese and a piece of chicken. To think the most exciting thing she had planned today was to meet Giff at the bookstore. Instead, she discovered she was in love, been betrothed, and had her first kiss. Alice finished her food and was about to take more when the door opened.

“My lady,” the butler said. “Your family has arrived. My lord, her grace is with them and demanding she be put in a regular guest chamber.”

Giff’s lips twitched. Alice shot him a quelling glance. “Honor her grace’s wishes and have a chamber prepared.” She rose. “How many have arrived.”

“I counted four adults and four children. More coaches were arriving.”

Had they brought the whole family? Who other than Grace and Matt were here? “Have the nursery made ready. There will be at least two boys and four girls. I will greet our guests.”

Alice placed her hand on Giff’s arm. “Are you ready?”

“Umm. I wonder if the Danes are here as well.”

She tried and failed to stifle a giggle. “We will know soon.”

Her housekeeper was in the hall greeting Alice’s dresser and the other ladies maids. Footmen carried small trunks, bags, and portmanteaux up the stairs. Alice wondered why the children were here until she realized today was one of the days they all had classes together.

Grace smiled and drew Alice into her arms. “I am so happy you are safe and well.”

She blinked back tears. “Better than well. St. Albans and I are going to be married.”

“We know.” Grace’s smile was a little watery as well. “Lady Bellamny sent a messenger with a letter. He caught up to us just before Hatfield.”

Her grace came up and bussed Alice on the cheek. “We are so very happy for you, my dear. I understand you knocked down that scoundrel.”

“I did.” She had almost forgotten about the cur. “He was interrupting your son’s proposal.”

Her grace laughed. Not a polite laugh, but one from the belly. “He deserved it then, for that and other reasons.”

Matt slapped Giff on the back as they greeted each other. Con, Rothwell, and Merton were here as well. “Are Charlotte, Louisa, and Dotty coming?”

“I expect them soon,” Grace said. “We have the children. Once I was told what had happened, I wrote to them asking them to come. I believed the circumstances warranted a show of force.”

“That is the reason I am here as well,” her grace said.

People were missing. “Where are Theo and Mary?”

“Looking at the garden I suspect,” Grace said. “They will be in soon.”

“After you have had time to refresh yourselves, tea will be served. Dinner is at six.” Alice wondered if she should have asked where everyone was being housed. “I have not had an opportunity to see much of the house. Perhaps we can all take a tour after tea.”

“I will be happy to show you around, my dear,” the duchess said.

“What I have seen is beautiful.” The hall had been cleared of the initial luggage. Yet there were sounds of another coach arriving. “You have not left me much to do.”

The duchess blushed. “After seeing the colors you chose for your come out ball, I used them to redecorate. You see, I had a feeling. Aside from that, you will have plenty to do in your wing of the London house and in Scotland. Neither have been refurbished in decades.”

Giff joined Alice, placing his hand at her waist. His touch caused tiny fires to race up and down her spine. “I think either your sisters or their servants have arrived.”

Hugh strode up to them as fast as his legs would carry him without running. “Sir.” He looked up at Giff with beseeching blue eyes. “You have a very nice banister.”

Alice exchanged a mirthful glance with Grace and the duchess.

Giff hunkered down to be at eye level with the boy. “I do indeed. If your parents agree, you may try it out.”

Hugh turned and ran to his father. “I may slide down the banister. Lord St. Albans said I could.”

Con glanced at Giff with a raised brow. He held the palms of his hands out and shrugged.

Con looked at Hugh. “Very well. After everyone is settled.”

In short order another coach of servants and baggage arrived followed by Alice’s older sisters and Dotty.

Williams came up and bowed. “My lady. Bertram said a gown is ready if you wish to change.”

Alice’s gown was rather mussed. Being thrown into a coach did nothing for one’s clothing either. “Thank you. I will be up in a few minutes.” She turned to greet her sisters who had not heard about her betrothal. “Welcome to Whippoorwill Manor.”

Charlotte’s jaw dropped for a slight second. “You are betrothed!”

“This is perfect!” Louisa exclaimed.

“Just as I thought,” Dotty said.

First Giff’s mother and now Alice’s cousin. “How could you know when I had no idea at all?”

Dotty grinned. “You had too many . . . oh I do not know, feelings I suppose. Although, that does not explain it well, for him. There was just something there. Especially during the past couple of weeks.”

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