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Tossing back the rest of his pint, Kace slaps his empty tankard on the bar, the noise jarring me from my thoughts. “I'm weary of all this talk of doom and gloom. We must raise this male’s spirits!” He claps me on the back, waggling his brows. “What you need is a beautiful female to fill your bed.”

“No.” Eyeing Mona down the bar, I nod and stand, tossing a few coppers on the counter.

“Don't be like that,” he chastises, scanning the crowd. “Not many favorable options at the moment, I’ll admit,” he mumbles before his eyes light up and he whips his gaze to mine. “I know what we can do. You can join me at the brothel!”

“No,” I repeat, nudging him out of my path.

“Why not?” Tossing his arm over my shoulders, he tugs me to his side. “There’s plenty of females there willing to deal with your dour mood. If you pay them enough,” he adds unrepentantly. “Now, there's this new shapeshifter there. She can’t shift only her throat, but…” Kace’s eyes suddenly widen, his words drift off, and his jaw drops along with the arm he tossed over my shoulder. “Dear gods.” 

Frowning at the awestruck fae, I search for what has rendered him speechless, but as I scan the pub, I find nothing of note. Not until I catch sight of the vision walking through the door of the pub and I freeze, stop dead in my tracks as my world, this realm, my entire existence condenses to her and her alone.

They say my mother’s beauty could rival Uriella, the Goddess of Light herself. But not my mother, not a goddess, nor any other creature can hold a candle to the female woman who just walked into the tavern. She’s breathtakingly gorgeous with long, wavy black hair; golden, sun kissed skin with high cheekbones; and a red, heart-shaped mouth that will be the object of my fantasies for as long as I take breath. Yet, what truly makes her beauty so astonishing, to forever have no equal, is the unique color of her eyes. Almond-shaped, with full, black lashes sweeping above orbs the same deep, dark shade of amethyst, they gleam even more brilliantly than the coveted violet jewel.

Trip escorts her along with three others towards the center of the dining area, but all I see is her as I peruse her muscular, yet curvy frame. I force my gaze to pass over the plump breasts contained in a brown leather vest, but my gaze stutters on its path once spotting her partially bare abdomen, imagining how I would sell my soul to lick beneath the seam of her vest to the slip of golden skin she's left exposed below. Trip pulls out a chair for her and as she seats herself, I'm unable to stifle a groan when I see the burgundy leather trousers that hug the globes of her tight ass.

I'm completely gobsmacked by the divine creature and her bewitching beauty. My heart races, my palms are sweaty, there's a ringing in my ears, and my dick has swelled to half-mast. I can't move, can't breathe, can't think. My entire being is focused on her and her alone. There’s nothing I’m not willing to do to make her mine.

“She's mine,” Kace breathes.

My palms instantly flare, glittering orange as a visceral, blinding rage previously unknown surges within me. “Don't. Touch. Her.” 

Kace’s gaze darts to mine in surprise, his eyes widening momentarily before dropping his gaze altogether, jerking his head in assent.

“I think Darius found his bedmate all on his own,” Aurora says with a smile in her voice.

Returning my attention to the captivating female, I find her and her companions already seated and Trip heading in our direction.

I adore Trip. The young Earth fae has had a similar upbringing to Kace and is just as determined to change his lot in life. He wants to be a warrior, not for the glory, but to protect others. Being that he's too young to join the Guard and lacks a father figure to teach him, we've taken him under our wing and alternate as his trainers. His infectious smile and sweet personality even softened the Harpy herself and managed to get himself a job here where very few were able to do so.

Like I said, I adore Trip, but I can barely comprehend speech at the moment, let alone be polite. I demonstrate this lack of control when Trip passes by and I snatch him up by the arm. “Who is she?”

Trip’s signature smile spreads across his face. “She’s pretty, isn't she?” 

Trip snickers at my silence and Aurora joins in, but quickly composes herself with a motherly warning. “Trip.”

“Don't know.” He shrugs. “I was walking past as they entered the city and one of the guards asked me to escort them here. They're nice, though.” Thumb gesturing over his shoulder, he pulls from my grasp. “They said they’re hungry, so I'm going to grab them some pie and ale. They look like they've been traveling for a while.”  

He turns to leave, but when Aurora lunges forward and grabs a fistful of his tunic, he stumbles over his feet. 

“We’ll take the ale!” she shouts, then shoves him away. Grabbing four pints from the bar, she smacks two to my chest, sloshing ale over the rims to drip down my vest, before doing the same to Griffin. Then, with an impish smile, she loops her arm through mine and pulls me toward the newcomers.

The female and her companions have their heads huddled together, speaking in hushed voices, but as we near their table they pause their discussion to peer up at us. When the mesmerizing creature meets my gaze, that same paralysis from before overcomes me.

Fuck me, her eyes practically glow from this distance.

“We noticed you when you came in and thought we’d introduce ourselves. I’m Aurora, and this is Darius, Kace, and Griffin,” Aurora says, pointing at each of us in turn.

The female’s amethyst eyes drift towards Aurora, freeing me from her snare. “I’m Lena and this is Amara, Tristan, and Zander,” she says, nodding toward each of her companions.

“It's a pleasure,” Aurora replies, but I barely comprehend her words once hearing Lena speak.

She has a raspy voice with a strange accent. It's rough and throaty, yet surprisingly lyrical. My body instantly responds to the seductive sound, my dick straining at the leathers as I imagine the raspy moans she would make while milking my cock. 

“May we join you? We've brought ale.” Aurora bumps my arm with her shoulder, reminding me that I’m still clutching their drinks against my chest. I pass the pints to the two females, while Griffin does the same for the males.

“Of course.” Lena nudges the empty chair I’m standing in front of with her boot, sliding it across the floor in invitation. Spellbound by this sensuous creature, I drop down into it without breaking her gaze. 

“You’re pretty,” Kace says in a dazed voice. “Like, really pretty.”

Hearing the wonder in his tone, I tear my gaze from Lena and my clouded thoughts instantly clear when I see him. Still standing, still awestruck, and attempting to catch flies with his gaping mouth.

Uriella’s Light, I hope I don't look that ridiculous.

“Sit down,” I bark, angry at myself more so than him for my own foolish behavior.

Quickly doing so, Kace scurries to the seat beside Griffin.

“You’ve got a bit of drool right there,” her companion Zander says, tapping his chin. 

Kace slaps a hand to his face and wipes vigorously. “Did I get it?”

He nods with a smile, then claps Kace on the back. “All gone. Don’t worry! You're not the first male to drool over her.” Zander leans into Kace and whispers conspiratorially, “It's a common reaction to our lovely Lena.”

They both laugh at the females’ answering scowls until Griffin smacks Kace on the back of the head.

“Ow! Whatd’ya do that for?!”

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