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I wipe my sweaty palms on my leathers, slickening the supple hide as trepidation rears its head, churning in a whirlwind along with the doubt and fear. Fear that he is someone I won’t be able to forget, not easily, at least, as is the case with any male I’ve bedded in the past. Because I have to forget him. I have to forget everyone. 

Still, I can’t help but hesitate, wondering if one night could scratch the itch of what I know will be a long, sweaty night that'll leave me sore and walking bow-legged the following morning, yet supremely satisfied. 

“Well…” I clear my throat. “It was an interesting night.”

“It was.”

His burning gaze searches mine and I see my own reluctance reflecting back at me, as well as the obviousness of my hesitation when a soft smile tilts his lips. 

“Goodnight, Lena.”

Disappointed but knowing it's for the best, I reply quietly, “Goodnight, Darius.” 

Ignoring my need, I turn away while I'm still capable and listen to the chime above the door as I open it and the groans as it slams shut. Shutting my eyes, I drop my head back onto the wood as I try to convince myself and my deprived cunt I made the right decision.  

A disconcerting thought suddenly enters my mind and my eyes snap open. Diving towards the window, I pay no mind to the moth-eaten curtains as I peek out into the night. 

My chest expands and my breaths halt in my lungs as I watch Darius and Griffin walk side by side down the street. One step. Two steps. Three steps. Then I exhale in audible relief when I see them pass by the brothel without stopping.

“What are you doing?” 

I squeak, quickly jerking the curtains shut. “Nothing.”

Amara eyes me suspiciously, dust drifting around her head from my violent handling of the curtains. Whiskey eyes wander towards the window, and I mutter a curse when she reaches out and peels back the swaying curtains. She glances back at me over her shoulder and I wince when I see her evil smirk.

“With the moon-eyes he had for you all night, I doubt he'd be willing to risk his chances with you to spend the night with a whore.”

Normally, I appreciate how observant she is, but at the moment it pisses me off.  “Shut up.” 

She laughs as I stomp past, but it morphs into a howl when I snap my arm out and punch her in the tit. 

Running away, I laugh maniacally as she screams, “Fuck, Lena! That hurt!”

Chapter 5Darius

Shops are darkened and the streets are free of pedestrians. The only noises that can be heard are the waning sounds of the brothel and the thunk of mine and Griffin’s boots scuffing against the jeweled stone street.

Peering down at my feet, I inspect the gems littering the stone road. I've never paid much mind to them before. The other kingdoms are similarly grandiose and I thought it to be quite common, but judging off Lena’s reaction, that might not be so everywhere.

Lena, Lena, Lena.

It was physically painful to leave her on the inn's doorstep untouched, but I could sense her hesitation. Could practically see the wheels churning in those amethyst eyes of hers. I'm unsure as to why. She showed no such reservations throughout the night, but something gave her pause. Based on her reaction to me, I'm quite confident I could've convinced her otherwise, but I sensed that would be a mistake.

There's something special about her, something unique. Yes, she’s extraordinarily beautiful, but there's so much more to her than that. Her mind and the way she thinks is completely foreign to me. It was mind-boggling how flippant she was with my bastard status, actually offended on my behalf that I applied the word to myself. I’ve never met another who didn't find being a bastard something to be ashamed of. Even those who treat me no differently than others never spoke out against society's stigma for those such as myself.

But not her. She had no issue voicing – rather loudly – how illogical it is to scorn those with no choice on how they were conceived. So convincing, she made me feel a fool for ever believing otherwise. She spoke her mind and offered no apologies. Even her thoughts of the Queen weren’t censored. I'm unsure if I admire her for her brazen impudence or fearful for her. 

I chuckle to myself, imagining the reaction Adelphia would have to her. Lena is clever, feisty, and can banter with the best of them. Adelphia may very well meet her match in her. Or kill her. The thoughts Lena expressed definitely lean more towards traitorous. My mother doesn't usually kill those who verbally oppose her, but that’s only in regards to her own people. A foreigner is an entirely different matter. I suspect the Queen would have no conundrum killing a non-citizen.

Stepping outside its perimeter of detection, a Gods Light winks out just as another flares, illuminating our steps. Haloed beneath the flame, Griffin's glimmering sapphire and starlight jewels draw my attention to the Air immortal’s creased brow.

“What did you think of them?” I ask.

“Hmm… I'm not sure.”

A breeze streams past, chilling my cheeks and sweeping strands of black hair into my face. Unraveling the leather strap on my wrist, I tie my hair back, waiting for Griffin to continue. But when I peek out the corner of my eye, I find him staring straight ahead, appearing as if he has no intention of expounding. 


He shrugs. “Meaning, I'm not sure.” 

Aware that he can stew indefinitely, I slow to a stop and pivot towards him, a command in itself.

Rubbing the back of his neck, he turns to face me. “I’m not sure how I feel about them.” 

That’s understandable. I’m having conflicting thoughts myself. More specifically about Lena, but I doubt that’s what he’s referring to.

“How so?”

Placing his hands on his waist, he begins to pace. “I don't think they have any ill intentions toward us, but there's something… off about them.” 

When I stare blankly at him, he explains, “For instance, their race. I have no clue what kind of beings they are.” Raising a hand, he counts off on his fingers. “Their party consists of a woman who looks like a goddess, but is apparently human; a mortal with strange scarring; a shifter with abnormal jewels; and a being who’s either fae or immortal, but only has a singular starlight jewel.” He stops midstep, facing me with thinned lips. “And they never actually confirmed what race they are, did they?”  

Rubbing along my jaw, I consider how odd that is. All races are born with certain traits that are easily identifiable at a glance. Being unable to distinguish a person's race based off their appearance is unheard of. 

I nod, impressed by Griffin’s astuteness. “Did you find out what kingdom they're from? How they came to know each other?” Their relationship is too intimate to simply be hired escorts, as Lena originally stated. They must have known each other prior to their travels. 

“No.” He shakes his head. “They evaded all questions about themselves. Expertly, I might add. They were very strange.” He gauges my reaction before adding, “All of them were, Darius.”

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