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Scanning the rest of his file, I see he’s requested to be transferred on multiple occasions due to altercations between him and other guards but was denied each time. Dropping my gaze further down the parchment, I grind my teeth when I discover the number of times he’s been sent to the whipping post as punishment. In several of those instances, he received more than ten lashes. I've rarely issued such a severe punishment, typically assigning no more than five lashes at a time, yet he’s received double that on multiple occasions. 

The crisscrossed scars slashed across my back twinge in remembrance of my own floggings. I roll my shoulders, searching for the name of the superior officer who signed off on these reports. 

Lieutenant Jareth.

A growl rumbles through my chest at the sight of his name. Although I can’t say I’m surprised. 

“Here,” Ajax says, his arm extended with the completed report. 

With a growing suspicion, I snatch it out of his hand and skim through its contents, searching for the names of the commanding guards with whom he filed his reports. I bite out a curse when my suspicions are confirmed.

All under Jareth’s command.

My stomach flips onto itself as I wade deeper into his statement, churning faster and faster as I learn of occasion after occasion of the guards’ mistreatment of our people until it's nothing but a wild, acidic roil. Feeling bile rise in the back of my throat, I swallow convulsively but force myself to continue, to read every depraved act in which my guards participated. To channel my disgust into a white-hot rage, blistering my lungs and scorching my veins. Reading the last incident, my fury peaks and my palms burst into flames at Ajax’s retelling of Jareth torturing a child. A human child. Even immortals and fae who despise humans would never torture someone so young. 

Tossing the report onto the desk before it can ignite, I grip the arms of my chair and attempt to restrain myself from hunting down each and every culprit Ajax listed. But then an image flashes before my eyes. A glassy eyed, screaming Lena struggling to fight off my guards.

Rage blazes into me, razing through my heart and lungs, igniting my blood. My biceps bulge, veins thicken and throb, and my nostrils flare as I inhale the rising smoke from the crackling and inflamed wood where my shimmering palms burn and splinter the arms of the chair. 

“Sir?” Ajax asks, fear tightening his lips and the creases near his eyes, but he still boldly holds my gaze.

It’s his fear that begins to calm me, slowing my breaths and cooling my blood. Not completely, but enough to where it’s more manageable. Because it’s not Ajax’s fear I want. It’s Jareth’s and every other male like him.

Exhaling a steadying breath, I say, “You’ve done well, considering the circumstances.”

Ajax’s eyes widen. “Thank you, Sir.”

“I know all of this,”  I wave my hands over the desk, “has affected you negatively, but I'm afraid it'll continue to do so. But know this: every male you’ve listed will face the consequences of their actions. I have no intention of releasing your name, but it’ll be obvious that you were my informant.”

He smiles. “I’m not concerned.”

“The backlash could be severe,” I warn.

He laughs, swiping his hands through his hair. “I don't care. Do whatever it is you need to do to fix this, and I’ll take any repercussions gladly.”

Liking him more and more with each passing second, and suspecting that he could do great things if under the proper tutelage, an idea crosses my mind. Choosing not to dwell on it too much, I decide to trust my instincts.

“Ajax, I'm removing you from your unit. Once you leave here, you're to go directly to the barracks and transfer your possessions to the Commander's quarters. From now on, you’ll report only to Commander Griffin or Commander Kace. ” 

Shock crosses his face before it quickly twists into a scowl. “With all due respect, Sir,  I didn't become a guard so others could protect me. I became one to protect others.”

“And I don't recruit guards that I have no intention of protecting.” Seeing his dubious expression, I add, “But that’s not the only reason. You should have been promoted long ago. Since your skills exceed anyone below a Commander, this would be a more beneficial assignment.”

He eyes me for a moment longer before giving a reluctant, “Yes, Sir.”

I nod his dismissal and he stands, heading towards the door. “Ajax?” He pauses over the threshold and glances at me over his shoulder. “Tell Lennox I wish to see Lieutenant Jareth immediately. He’s to collect him himself.”

A smirk quirks his lips. “Yes sir.” 

When the door clicks shut, I slam my palms down on my desk, the inkpot toppling over from the impact. I pinch the bridge of my nose and slouch back in my chair, the cindered arms crumbling with the motion. 

Kace reaches for the report. Eyes sweeping across the parchment, his expression darkens the more he reads. “Son of a bitch!” he snarls, passing the document to Griffin before pressing his knuckles into the desk, his brown hair slipping past his shoulder to partially shield his face. “I don’t give a fuck whose blood Jareth shares. I'll strangle the piece of shit!” Gripping the edge of the desk, he hangs his head. “He burned a Godsdamn child. Branded him like cattle.” Shoving off, he clasps his hands on the top of his head, his emerald jewels flickering as he shakes his head in disbelief.

I say nothing in response. 

“He's right, Darius,” Griffin says, tossing the statement onto the desk. “This can't go unpunished.”

“I know.”

At another knock at the door, both males expressions clear of all emotions and resume their positions beside me. 


A guard cracks the door open and peeks inside. “Captain, I have Lieutenant Jareth here as you requested.”

“Bring him in.”

Lennox opens the door further and turns to the side. When I see the cocky motherfucker strut like a peacock into my office, I feel nothing but loathing.

With a practiced smile, Jareth raises both arms in greeting. “Captain! How kind of you to request my presence. It's been too long, old friend.” Disregarding protocol, he seats himself without permission in the chair Ajax just vacated. “I was just telling Theon the other day how you haven't been to court in ages.” He chuckles, an arrogant, breathy sound that raises my hackles. “Of course, he mentioned how you despise such events, but I told him that's no excuse for avoiding your friends.” 

Friends, my ass.

Wanting nothing more than to knock that ridiculous smile off his face, I instead study the entitled little shit who tormented me throughout childhood and all the way into adulthood. Even when I eventually began to transition into manhood and grew stronger and more powerful than him, he still believed I'd be willing to take his shit. But after beating him within an inch of his life, he realized his old tactics would only result in pain and embarrassment. My mother was furious with me for walloping the son of one of the highest members of court, and it took weeks to recover from the lashings I received as punishment, but I have no regrets.  

Unable to forget his humiliation at my hands and incapable of besting me in strength or power, Jareth had to find more creative ways to dole out his cruelty. But cruel he is, even if it isn’t as obvious to those who didn't know him as well as I do.

Knowing full well he never grew out of his habitual need to terrorize those more vulnerable than him, I knew he wouldn't be a good fit for the Cascadonian Guards. Which is why I denied his application. His father – Lord Kanus – caused quite a scene when he stomped into my office demanding I reverse my decision. When I refused, I have no shame in admitting I howled in laughter at his shocked expression. After all, he's just as awful as his son, if not more so. I thought the issue was resolved when Kanus stormed from my office, sputtering profanities the entire way, but I should've known they wouldn't accept my rejection gracefully. 

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