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“You’re kidding, right?” Seeing my blank stare, she shakes her head with a soft smile. “From the moment we stepped foot on Seboian land, we knew you wouldn’t be able to leave without preparing them.” 

“But,” I sputter, “it's not part of our plan.” 

“When have we ever followed the plan? Hmm?” 

“Well, I’m glad we're all on the same page,” I huff, irritated that I'm just now realizing what they've known all along. “But it would’ve been nice to be included in the plan.”

“I can't believe you’re just now figuring this out.” She tilts the sketch back and forth, appraising her work until her eyes widen with an epiphany and she slaps it to the table “Wait! Is that why you’ve had your face scrunched up like that? You've been debating whether we should stay or not?”

I grit my teeth. “Yes.” 

“Huh. I just assumed you ate Lottie’s food and were starting to get the shits.” 

“No!” I shout, appalled she would think such a thing. “That was my thinking face.” 

“And your ‘I have the shits’ face.” 

“How would you know what I look like when I need to shit?” I snap, irrationally angry at her for pointing that out to me. 

She shrugs. “I'm observant.” 

“You’re disturbing, is what you are,” I grumble in embarrassment, wondering how many other people have interpreted my expression that way.

“You know I’m thrilled you’ve finally decided to stay,” she says dryly as she lifts the coffee mug to her lips, before peering into it with a frown when she remembers it's empty, “but I have to say I wouldn't mind sacrificing a few of these Seboians to Brecca.” 

I chuckle. “Me too.”

Amara scowls at the swinging doors. “Like Lottie, for starters.” 

“Definitely Lottie.”

“Those asshole guards we met on the way in.” 

“Every last one of them,” I reply, making a mental note to ask Darius what the pervert's punishment was. Hopefully it was painful and bloody. If not, I wouldn't mind extracting my own form of vengeance.

“The handsy drunk at The Quiet Harpy.” 

“We don't even need to wait for Brecca to get rid of him. We’ll take care of him ourselves.”


“And Griffin.” I nod before rearing back. “Wait! What? Why would you sacrifice Griffin?” 

“He's an asshole,” she replies, her expression darkening even more at the mention of his name.

“He rarely talks!”

“He’s always looking at me funny,” she huffs, folding her arms over her chest. 

A shocked laugh escapes me. “He's an empath. He's not looking at you funny; he's reading your aura.” 

“No he's not! He's always watching me with this pissed off expression.”  

Squeezing my eyes shut, I rub my temples, unable to comprehend why she would want the sweet Air immortal dead. “Maybe he likes you.” 

She gives me a dry look. “Nobody likes me.” 

“What I mean is,” I roll my eyes, “maybe he's attracted to you.” 

Oh!” she shouts in surprise, obviously having not considered the thought. “Yes, that's possible, but no. I left with a male the other night and when I came back to the tavern afterward, he was furious. He lectured me about how reckless it was for me to leave with someone I don't know.” A flash of anger sparks in her eyes. “He treated me like a child!” Shaking her head, she dismisses the thought altogether. “If he was attracted to me, he wouldn't have treated me that way.” 

Biting my lip to stifle a laugh, I state slowly, “That's exactly how a male treats a female he's attracted to.”

“Lena, Lena, Lena,” she sighs, patting my hand. “I know you're accustomed to every male you meet fawning over you, but for us simple folk, the ways of love and sex are a bit more complicated.” 

“You must be right,” I reply, unable to keep the laughter out of my voice.

The bell tolls over the entrance, drawing my attention towards the door as it opens, casting a stream of light onto the dust motes swirling within the dingy inn as Aurora and Tristan walk in.

Tucked beneath Tristan’s arm, Aurora speaks quietly to him as they walk towards us. He smiles down at her, utterly absorbed with what she's saying, watching her with brown eyes full of affection. Aurora tosses her arms up, waving her hands animatedly as she recounts her story, and then he laughs. Eyes crinkled and smile wide, a loud guffaw punches out of him, deep and boisterous. A genuine laugh that I've never heard from him in all the years I've known him.

Tristan is a somber person, almost grim in his countenance. Preferring to deal with logic and fact over emotion, some consider him to be cold and unfeeling. Yet, he's never been this way with me. Maybe it's because we've shared so much together, but he’s never shied away from giving affection or receiving mine. But even if we are close, share a bond even, I can now see how reserved he has been, because Tristan has never been as relaxed around me as he is with Aurora. The overly observant man hasn't even noticed we're here yet; his sole focus is on Aurora as she steers him toward us. It puts a smile on my face to see him so happy, even as I feel a tightening within my chest with the knowledge this won’t end well.

Finally taking notice of us once reaching our table, his smile stutters and a nervous energy slips from him. My control is unwavering today, Gifts safely tucked within their cage. So for me to be able to feel nervousness from the usually unflappable man, there must be something horribly wrong.

Aurora claps her hands together, smiling down at us. “You’re already up. Perfect! Are you ladies ready to go?”

Frowning, I share a look with Amara and see the same confusion marring her face. “Ready to go where?”

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