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Dropping her head back, Lena shuts her eyes and raises her arms above her head, swinging her hips to the strum of the vielle. So lost in the music, she takes no notice of anything happening around her. For instance, when a male with a lewd smile comes up behind her. 

I rise from my stool on instinct, ready to tear off the hand reaching for her. But then Tristan grabs him by the back of the tunic and tosses him away. Another sidles up beside her. Zander slaps a hand to his chest and shoves him into the hearth. Even Kace and Aurora join in. Warding off male after male, they encircle her, orbiting around her in a ring of protection. 

I don't know what it is about her that calls forth such loyalty. It doesn’t matter that they don't know anything about her. Not where she's from or who she is. There’s just something about her that demands blind devotion from every person she comes across. 

I sweep my gaze over the tavern, seeing slackened jaws and feverish eyes. Males, females, women, men. Race and gender are inconsequential. They all stare at her as if she’s a goddess amongst mortals.  

Fuck, I can’t see her like this, smiling and laughing while all her admirers watch on. Not when I can't be with her. Not when it takes everything in me not to drag her off the dance floor and sequester her away from the numerous probing eyes. Yet, as much as I want to rip all their eyes from their sockets, I’m no better than them. I can’t seem to tear my gaze from the gracefully divine creature no matter how hard I try.

You don't deserve her.

I knock back the rest of the bottle, not even savoring it on its fiery path down. Kace may think Adelphia fucked with my head, but he’s only partially right, because everything she said is the truth. Alura’s tits! I just can't wrap my mind around it. A savior. A savior of what? Of darkness? That would be a more apt title. Everything I touch turns to ash. It's in my blood, my Gifts. More often than not, it's in my thoughts. Fuck, it’s ingrained in the shadows marking the entirety of my back.

No, the Stars made a mistake when they chose me. I'm no savior. If anything, I'm an executioner. 

Tristan strides in my direction, saying nothing as he slips into the spot beside me. Staring straight ahead, I ignore him, seeing only Lena. But I can still feel his eyes drilling a hole into the side of my face.

“They look ridiculous, don't they? A bunch of puppies begging for any scrap of her attention.” He chuckles, drawing my gaze to his. “This happens everywhere she goes. Males, young and old, human and immortal, all fall at her feet. She rarely takes notice, of course, and on the rare occasion that she does, they don't hold her attention for long.” Nursing his pint, he eyes me quizzically. “Except with you. I thought that was a good thing, but now I'm not so sure.”

His expression sobers, and his cheeks sharpen into an expression carved from ice. “I don't know what game you're playing with her.” Lips thinning, he jabs a finger in Lena’s direction. “But that female has lived through more horrors than you could ever dream of, and her life will continue to be difficult as long as she takes breath. She doesn't need anyone or anything adding to her struggles.” 

Guilt nips at me, regret even more so, but I'm careful to keep my expression neutral. “You called her female.” 

He shrugs. “Female, woman, makes no difference what she is, only who she is.” His gaze drifts towards Lena, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watches her and Zander walk out of the tavern, arm-in-arm. “She's the most loving, compassionate soul I know, and she deserves so much more than the shit life she's been given.” Smile slipping, he lifts his tankard, hesitating halfway towards his mouth as he turns to give me the same solemn, almost piteous look Kace gave me moments ago. “If you can't be that something more, if you truly hold no regard for her, then leave her be. The world would benefit from your sacrifice.”

He finishes off his pint and sets it down, jerking a nod to Aurora across the tavern as he tosses a few coppers on the counter. “They looked good together, didn't they?” Peeking at me out of the corner of his eye, his lips quirk. “Her and Zander?” 

Any neutrality that may have remained instantly falls. “She said nothing’s ever happened between the two of them.”

“And she was telling the truth. But they both looked quite cozy.” Paying no mind to the rage no doubt etched into every line on my face, he retrieves his cloak from the stool beside me and slips it over his shoulders. “If I were you, Darius, I’d figure out what I want real quick. You can't fix what's broken if someone else already has.”

Chapter 28Lena

“Do you want me to ask Lottie to set you up a bath?” 

Stilling my hand within the trunk, I peek past the lid to give Zander a dry look. “You want to wake her up in the middle of the night to bring me up a bath?” I snort. “She’ll fill the tub with piss.”

“At least it’d be warm.” Sprawled across my bed,  Zander sweeps his arms through the air as if conducting a symphony, commanding the glittering gold flames floating above in a dance with complex flicks of his wrists. 

Crinkling my nose, I continue rummaging through my trunk, tossing aside clothes, maps, weapons, and a waterskin until I reach the sheer white slip buried beneath. Uncaring of Zander’s presence, I toe off my boots and unlace my vest and leggings, and slide the slip over my head.

Zander’s head suddenly pops up and he gives an approving nod. “Good choice. He’ll like that one.” 

“Who?” I ask, genuinely confused.

The floating flames suddenly hurtle towards his chest, soaking into him to meld with the gold blood illuminating his veins. “Darius.”

I slam the lid shut with a loud bang, clamping the lock in place with an angry jerk of my hand. “I’d fuck Jareth before I ever allowed Darius to see me in this.”

He’ll be lucky to see me ever again after the shit he pulled today. 

Zander barks a laugh. “I wouldn't bet coin on that.” Rolling to the side, he raises to one elbow, resting his head in his hand. “Are you that angry with him?”

“Yes,” I reply, but when Zander yanks on our bond and arches a knowing brow, I sigh. “No. I’m more hurt than angry.” Hiking the slip above my knees, I crawl onto the bed and curl up next to him.

“Oh, my lovely Lena.” Sweeping his arm beneath my neck, he gathers me to his chest. “People say stupid things when they're upset, and Darius was clearly upset.”

“Oh, yes,” I say dryly, peering up at him. “Darius looked so upset with the beautiful female practically fucking him in the middle of the pub.”

Her red claws scraping across his chest, her toned leg wrapped around his thigh, she watched him with a hunger I know too much about. My whole body itched with the need to snap her perfect little neck. Not just for how she had her hands all over Darius, but for the way she looked at me. Like I was nothing more than the scum beneath her fancy heeled shoes. I don’t understand how Darius could allow such a vile creature to touch him. But I guess it doesn’t matter what type of person you are as long as you have a willing cunt. 

“He was simply trying to make you jealous.”

“Well,” I snuggle closer, “it didn't work.” 

Zander smirks. “Or it worked all too well.” 

Narrowing my eyes, I pinch his side and he yelps, shoving me away to roll off the side of the bed. 

“Why are the females in my life so violent?” he asks, rubbing his side with a grimace.

I shrug. “At least I didn't bite you this time.”

“There is that.” Patting his side, he strides towards the door. “And now I must be off. I heard from a little birdie that Tabby is itch free.” He waggles his brows and opens the door. “I have lots of plans for her tonight.”

The bed creaks as I sit up, leaning on the back of my hands with a smirk. “I wouldn’t think an itch would deter you so easily?”

“Usually no, but one can’t be too careful with these courtesans. You never know; they could pass me some sickness that’ll make my dick fall off.” He shivers, his face twisting in horror.

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