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Robertson, Jeannie (informant), 117

Robertson, Peggy (informant), 101

Robin Goodfellow, ix, x. See also Puck

Robin Hood, xv–xvi

Rose, Frank (informant), 136

Saint Adelme: conception caused by cross, 77–78; conjures up spirits, 78

Saint Aloys: 78; takes leg off horse to reshoe it, 79

Saint Alphege, 76

Saint Dunstan: 76; as blacksmith pinches Devil’s nose with tongs, 77

Saint Eligius of Noyon. See Saint Aloys

Saint Peter: as gatekeeper of Heaven, 113, 114

Saints: come to Somerset, 80–81

Saint Withiel, 52

Saint Wulfric: gives food to the hungry, 74; gives food that is restored, 75

Saintyves, Pierre (French folklorist), 79

Salt: protection against bogey, 29; protection against evil, 46; protection against witches, 111; put on stones in harvest rite, 40–43

Sanderson, Stewart (English folklorist), xxviii, xxx, 99

Sandringham, 218

Satan, mentioned, 65. See also Devil

Saxons, 80

Scandinavian tradition, 33, 69. See also Danish, Norwegian, Swedish tradition

Scot, Reginald, ix, xix

Scotland: collecting in, xx; Märchen found in, vi

Scottish tradition, vii, 11, 57, 67, 119, 130

Sea-morgan: lures human beings to quicksand, 55

Sedgemoor, battle of, 73, 96, 107–108

Seki, Keigo (Japanese folklorist), 133

Sexton: dies in grave he has dug, 62; evil, digs open grave, 61; lazy, 112; robs newly buried, 89

Shakespeare, ix, xxiii–xxvi, 55, 90, 117

Shetland, 38

Shropshire, 66, 97, 129

Sicilian tradition, 130

Sikes, Wirt (American folklorist), 33, 38

Slavic tradition, 47

Slovenian tradition, 68

Small-Tooth Dog, xxiii, 3–5

Smith, Mary Ann (informant), 6

Somerset, xx, xxiii, xxvi, xxviii–xxix, 26, 28, 33, 34, 37, 38, 44, 50–51, 54, 55, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, 80, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 95, 96, 105, 106, 107, 109, 124, 129, 137, 138, 140, 147

Soul: as bird, 27–28; as pig, 65; conflict between Devil and parson over, 105–106; of witch as rabbit, 53; of witch saved, 54; sold to bogey, 29

Southey, Robert, ix, xii

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