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I nod, and Max lets my uncle and the officer come in. He doesn’t leave my side, and for that I’m grateful. The officer is kind, and I try to answer his questions to the best of my ability without losing my mind. I think after the initial reaction, I became numb.

The interview doesn’t last long, maybe ten minutes, tops. Max walks out of the room with them to get me some tea, and Mom comes in a second later. Her usually perfect hair is disheveled, and without makeup on, she looks much older. Her eyes are red, but even in this tragic moment, she still finds time to stare at me with loathing.

“What do you want?” I ask.

“Are you happy now?”

I don’t speak for a couple of seconds. “Happy that my father, the only parent who ever loved me, is dead? How dare you ask me that?”

“What did you say to him earlier? I bet you made him feel so guilty that he decided to put a bullet through his head.”

“You’re mad.”

She throws her head back and laughs. “No, I’m not mad. It doesn’t surprise me, considering you’re the devil’s spawn.”

“If you’re referring to yourself, then you’re right,” I seethe.

“Me? You think I’m the devil? I’m talking about your father.”

I stand up with my hands balled into fists at my sides. “How dare you speak ill of him? He’s not even cold yet.”

A deranged glint takes over my mother’s eyes. “Oh, you stupid girl. Your father is very much alive, rotting in jail where he belongs. You wanted to know why I hate you so much? So here it is. Antonio Pesaro, the bastard who spawned your beloved cousin, is your real father.”

Sudden vertigo hits me. I drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes when my legs can no longer hold my weight.

“No, you’re lying.”

“I wish I was. That scum raped me the night I met your father. When I found out I was pregnant, I let Giovanni believe the baby was his. He proposed on the same day. I knew he wouldn’t have done it if it weren’t for my pregnancy. That’s why I kept you, but there hasn’t been a day since that seeing your face doesn’t remind me of the worst day of my life.”

Tears stream freely down my face. “So that’s your revenge? To tell me Dad wasn’t my real father on the evening he dies?”

“Yes,” she stares at me coldly.

Suddenly, I snap. I get up and push my mother against the wall. “I never asked to be born. All I ever wanted was for you to love me!”

Ofelia Moretti stares at me with dead eyes, as if I’m nothing but an insect. Ugly sobs rack my body. I can’t stay under the same roof as her for another second. I run out of the room, veering toward the front door. I grab the first set of car keys I see on the foyer table and disappear down the stairs. Once out on the street, I press on the fob like a maniac until I hear the sound of a car beeping.

I have Max’s car keys. Jumping inside the vehicle, I bring the engine to life and peel away from the curb with a loud screech with no destination in mind. I just have to get the hell out of this city.


I’m in Enzo’s office, listening with rapt attention as he gives me the latest report about Nadine. She’s finally agreed to give me the divorce and accepted the settlement. She’s not getting a penny from the vineyard. I’ve already signed the divorce papers, and now we’ll just have to wait for her to do the same.

“Also, I spoke with Tessa about Chiara’s expulsion,” Enzo continues. “She convinced the other parents on the board that expelling her is an extreme and unnecessary measure.”

The pressure in my chest eases as relief washes over me. “Thank God. Chiara would have been devastated if she couldn’t return to DuBose.”

I glance at my phone when I feel it vibrate in my hand. It’s Max’s number. I’m worried in an instant. He wouldn’t be calling me if it wasn’t an emergency.

“What happened to Chiara? Is she okay?” I ask without preamble.

Cazzo, no. Her father committed suicide a few hours ago, and now she’s gone missing.”

I jump out of my chair, body tense like a coiled spring ready to launch. “What do you mean?”

“She had a fight with her mother and bailed. Took my car. I don’t know where she went.”

“Goddamn it, Max. Find her!”

“I’m trying my best, okay? I know you have shit to take care of in America, but Chiara needs you, man. She needs you.” Max’s voice gets choked at the end.

“I’ll be on the next flight out. Please keep me posted, Max.”

“Will do.”

I’m about to leave when Enzo stops me. “What happened?”

I run my hand through my hair, feeling useless. “I have to get to Italy.”

“Take the company’s private jet so you don’t have to wait for the next commercial flight out.”

I stare at my friend with unblinking eyes. Then I hug him, almost crying like a baby all over his five-thousand-dollar suit.

“Jesus fucking Christ. Enough with this bullshit already.” He pulls back. “Go get your passport. The plane will be ready for you at the airport.”

“Thanks, man.”



I shouldn’t be surprised that my grief-stricken brain led me to the place where I had one of the best days of my life: Villa Moretti. Despite always associating the house with misery thanks to my cousins’ antics, the place is now imprinted with memories of Alistair.

I get out of the car and take a deep breath, inhaling the lemony scent that hangs in the fresh air before veering toward the front door. The key is inside a keypad lockbox we all have the code for.

The heavy door creaks as I push it open, the sound echoing in the empty foyer. Without stopping, I go straight to the back, where the valley below is already bathed in morning sunlight. I don’t open the sliding doors but rest my forehead against the glass and let the grief I had been holding at bay take over my body once more. With a loud sob, I cry in earnest, feeling my father’s loss deep in my bones. It doesn’t matter that he wasn’t my biological father. I push the knowledge to a dark corner in my mind. There will be enough time to deal with that later.

I don’t know how long I cry, but my face is soaked and my nose is stuffy by the time the tears have dried out. An unbearable weight presses against my hollowed chest, caving it in. Suddenly, the house feels suffocating. I have to get out.

Outside, I spare one glance at Max’s sports car and decide against it. I need to feel the wind on my face.

The Vespa it is.

When I hop onto it, I remember the feel of Alistair’s body behind me, how his arms wrapped around my waist and his warm breath tickled my skin. God, I miss him so much. I wish I had brought my phone so I could call him and hear his voice. Another tear rolls down my cheek, but I hastily wipe it off.

Revving up the engine, I take off down the path leading back to the winding road, going to the spot where I found Alistair stranded. It’s only ten minutes from the villa. I don’t know what I’m going to do once I get there, but somehow, I know that’s where I have to be.

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