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“I would never force you to do anything that you do not wish to,” he says before placing my hand back into my own lap. His face is so earnest I have no choice but to take him at his word.

Kitaico could have had his way with me last night, and I would have been more than willing.

“So Leeenuh, what is it you want?” he whispers.

I’ve heard about mates before—they’re fairly common in most alien cultures. I’ve always assumed it’s more of a biological response than love. Like the feeling that spurs salmon to spawn. I know it’s kind of like a marriage, though, and while I’m sure Kitaico is very nice, I don’t think a thirty something tattoo artist from Minneapolis is the girl for him.

My seasonal depression alone can’t handle the Minnesota winters. How the fuck am I going to handle living in a cave?

I wish there was some way to convey without words that I think he’s a lovely alien, and that I’m so glad that he saved me from what I’m sure would have been a watery grave…but I don’t know if I’m ready to procreate with a handsome man I just met.

But theres not. So I ever so ineloquently point to my crotch under the rough blanket and shake my head no.

For the briefest of seconds, I can see the hurt flash behind his eyes. But he morphs it quickly into a broad grin, the one where his fangs are on full display.

“Understood. I shall control myself, and these ruffians”—he nods down to his bound appendages—“during your heats. I hope you will allow me to make you comfortable in between. Even if we are not destined to mate, the Great Mother would want me to ensure your comfort, to protect you. Can we agree on that?” His voice is so damn hopeful that it breaks my heart a little.

When I nod in agreement, he smiles and brings the tray of food up to eye level. He grabs a slice of blue meat between his fingers and holds it up to my mouth.

“Oh, I can do it myself. It’s alright,” I tell him politely, reaching for a fresh slice.

I jolt when he bats my hand away.

“It’s customary that I feed my mate after her first heat. It is very important in my culture to provide for your partner.” He puffs his chest out.

Since I’m not having sex with this poor guy, I guess I can at least let him feed me. I part my lips and wait.

Kitaico places one of the blue slices into my mouth, his fingers lingering a bit too long on my lower lip to be some accidental touch. When he pulls his hand away, he stares at me, waiting for my reaction.

I chew, a bit hesitantly at first. But hot damn, does it taste good, even though it’s raw. Sushi really wasn’t my thing, again with the whole not liking fish, but it’s way better than I expected. I don’t even have to try to find a polite way to choke it down.

“This is fantastic,” I say as I swallow. Whatever it is tastes like citrus and spice.

And before I can get another word, Kitaico is already shoving another piece into my mouth.

“It’s skalpin! An apex predator and quite the delicacy. When I checked the security of the nest this morning, I found this little guy peeking around the entrance. He barely knew I was there before I dispatched him.”

As my translator chip shows me images of the skalpin, it is the exact opposite of a little guy. The huge dark blue scaled snake almost looks like a water dragon. Its open maw is full of lethal looking teeth and its reptilian eyes dart menacingly as it weaves in and out of the seaweed. It's gotta be at least as big as Kitaico.

But its also fucking delicious.

I let him feed me a few more bites, and all the while, he stares at me like a kid at his new puppy. I mean, I don’t want him to breed with me, but I could get used to being waited on hand and foot. Finally, when I’m full, I put my hand up to stop him.

“It’s so good, but no more!” I tell him, and he smirks, dropping the fish back onto the seaweed.

“It pleases me to see your hunger sated, Leeenuh. Do you mind if I finish the rest?”

I gesture for him to help himself. Kitaico holds the leaf like a funnel against his lips, dropping the remaining hunks of sea dragon into his mouth. His cheeks are full, and he looks at me longingly as he chews.

But just at that moment, other pressing needs arise.

“Um, Kitaico, can I use the facilities?” I point over to the corner where the toilet is.

Kitaico’s color changes, and he stands quickly.

“Of course, I’m sorry, I didn’t think—go ahead!” He stumbles over his words and backs up enough to let me by.

I push the blanket back, fully intending on making my way over to the weird little water toilet. But when the blanket is gone, the cold air hits my bare pussy. My bodysuit is completely torn from my crotch. I cover it with my hands and look back up at Kitaico. My cheeks are burning with embarrassment.

“Oh, yes, the brothers tore that, didn’t they?” As if summoned by their name, they wriggle under their restraints. Kitaico ignores them, and in one swift motion, pulls the woven wrap skirt off his hips and hands it to me.

I grab it quickly, tying it around my waist and thanking him before I realize he’s nude again. Despite the pubic tentacles' futile attempts to find purchase, his hard cock remained unyielding.

I stand, making my way to the potty as quickly as I can. Kitaico keeps his back to me, so at least I don’t have to stare at his bizarre dick tentacles. But as I do my business, I can’t help but think about how good they felt, like a hundred fingers working my pussy at once.

How strong is that venom of his, and how the fuck long until I cycle into heat? These seem like important questions to ask.

I finish and run my hands through the water that streams off the cave wall nearby. I splash some of the cool liquid onto my sore vag. Last night was a blur, but could I have really been that horned up to rub one out this aggressively?

I adjust his woven skirt and walk back over, clearing my throat to let him know I’ve finished.

When he turns around, I hold my palm up, pointing to what I now know is his species mating mark.

“Kitaico, explain more?” I ask, shrugging my shoulders like I don’t understand. I need more details. When will my next heat hit?

Can we do anything to make sure I dont masturbate any more of my skin away?


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