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‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ she stammered, but he could see the lie in her eyes.

He lunged forward, grabbing her roughly by the arm and dragging her into the bedroom. Fay struggled against his grip, but he was too strong, his fingers digging painfully into her skin.

‘Don’t play games with me,’ he snarled, tossing her onto the bed as he began to tear through her belongings, searching everywhere. Drawers were upended, clothes strewn across the floor as he searched with growing frustration.

Fay watched him with wide, terrified eyes, her body trembling as she curled in on herself. ‘Please,’ she whispered, ‘I don’t have it. I swear.’

He turned to her, his face twisted with rage. ‘You’re lying,’ he spat, grabbing her once again and hauling her to her feet. ‘And I’m going to make you tell me the truth, one way or another.’

Fay let out a choked sob as he dragged her out of the flat and into the waiting car, her pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears. As the engine roared to life and they sped off into the night, one thought consumed him – he would get it back, no matter the cost.

Chapter Thirty-Three

An hour later, Rain found herself standing across the street from the hotel, her heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. She knew she couldn’t just waltz in through the front door, not after being suspended. She needed to find another way in, somewhere she could slip in unnoticed by the staff and security.

Then it hit her. The service entrance. She had used it countless times during her stint as a chambermaid, and she knew for a fact that the security camera had not been working for weeks, something management had been dragging their feet on fixing.

Pulling up the hood of her jacket, Rain made her way around the back of the hotel, keeping her head down and her steps quick and purposeful. Her heart was in her throat as she approached the service entrance, half expecting to find it locked and bolted. But to her surprise and relief, the door swung open easily, and she slipped inside without a hitch.

The hallway was deserted, and Rain let out a breath she hadn’t even realised she had been holding. She made her way to Sydney’s office, her senses on high alert, her eyes peeled for any sign of recognition or suspicion from the staff she passed.

When she finally reached Sydney’s office door, Rain hesitated, a sudden wave of doubt washing over her. What if Sydney didn’t believe her? What if she thought Rain was just trying to save her own skin, to weasel her way out of the consequences of her supposed actions?

But then she thought of Fay, of the fear and desperation in her sister’s eyes, of the very real danger she could be in. That was enough to steel Rain’s resolve, to give her the courage to knock on the door before she lost her nerve.

‘Come in,’ Sydney’s voice called from inside, crisp and business-like.

Rain stepped into the office, closing the door softly behind her. ‘Ms. Thompson? I’m Rain, I—’

Sydney looked up from her desk, her eyebrows raised, her expression unreadable. ‘I know who you are.’

Rain swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry. By the look on Sydney’s face, it didn’t seem like her reputation preceded her in a good way.

‘Oh, right.’

‘You’ve got a nerve showing your face in this hotel after what you’ve done.’ Sydney’s expression hardened, her eyes flashing with anger and accusation. ‘Do you have any idea the damage you’ve caused? A guest nearly died. He’s still in the hospital, in critical condition. Because of you!’

Rain flinched at the venom in Sydney’s words, the weight of the accusation hitting her like a physical blow. But she forced herself to meet Sydney’s gaze, to stand tall and hold her ground. ‘I know that’s what I’ve been accused of, but it’s not true. I swear to you, I had nothing to do with it.’

Sydney leaned back in her chair, her arms crossed, her expression sceptical. ‘And why should I believe you? You may have my sister fooled, but I’m a lot less trusting, especially when it comes to my hotel and my guests.’

Rain’s heart sank, a sense of despair washing over her. She had been afraid of this, of the uphill battle she would face in trying to clear her name and uncover the truth. ‘I know how it looks. But please, just hear me out. I care about Lauren, deeply. I would never do anything to hurt her, or to jeopardise your family’s business.’

Sydney was quiet for a moment, her eyes searching Rain’s face, as if trying to gauge the sincerity of her words. Finally, she let out a heavy sigh, her shoulders sagging almost imperceptibly. ‘All right. I’m listening.’

Rain took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. She launched into her story, telling Sydney about the drugs circulating among the guests, about her suspicions that Alex had been the one to accuse her of dealing because Rain had caught her in the act.

‘So why didn’t you say something at the time?’ Sydney asked, her brow furrowed in confusion and suspicion.

‘Because . . . because she threatened to out me by telling Lauren that Fay is my sister.’

Sydney’s eyes widened, shock and disbelief written all over her face. ‘Fay! Are you joking? Jesus, this just keeps getting worse. You need to leave. Now!’

Sydney rose from her chair, her body tense, her expression fierce as she moved towards Rain. ‘Go, before I call security and have you escorted out.’

But Rain stood her ground, her chin lifted in defiance, her eyes blazing with determination. ‘Call them then, because I’m not going anywhere until I find out what the hell is going on. Why is my sister talked about like she’s some kind of villain?’

‘Have you ever thought that maybe it’s because she is?’

Sydney picked up the phone, her fingers poised to dial, but Rain’s next words stopped her in her tracks.

‘Look, Fay says she’s in danger, and I believe her. If Lauren was in trouble, wouldn’t you move heaven and earth to help her?’

Sydney froze, the phone halfway to her ear, her eyes locked on Rain’s face. Slowly, she lowered the phone back onto the cradle, her expression thoughtful.

‘What danger? You make it sound like we’re in some kind of mafia movie. For Christ’s sake, Rain, we’re a five-star hotel—’

‘With a massive drug-dealing operation going on right under your nose,’ Rain finished, her voice firm and unwavering.

Sydney sighed, rubbing her temples, the weight of the situation evident in the slump of her shoulders. ‘I don’t know what to believe anymore.’

‘Fay’s in over her head, Sydney. She doesn’t know how to get out, how to untangle herself from this mess.’

Sydney’s eyes searched Rain’s face, as if trying to read the truth in her expression. ‘And you think you can help her how? If this is as dangerous as you say, why shouldn’t I just call the police and let them handle it?’

‘Do you really want the press to get wind of this? The scandal it would cause, the damage it would do to the hotel’s reputation?’

Sydney sank back into her chair, her expression conflicted. She was quiet for a moment, obviously weighing her options, trying to decide on the best course of action. Finally, she let out a long, slow breath, her decision made.

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