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‘You too,’ Lauren replied, shaking her hand. But Rain couldn’t help but notice the hint of jealousy that flashed in Lauren’s eyes, the way her gaze lingered on Clara for just a moment too long.

Lauren ushered them inside, her hospitality instincts kicking in. ‘Drink?’

‘Yes, please,’ Clara said, sinking onto the sofa.

‘Not for me. I wanna keep a clear head,’ Rain said, too anxious to even consider alcohol.

As Lauren poured their drinks, Rain pulled out the suitcase, her hands shaking slightly as she set it on the coffee table.

‘Is that the money?’ Lauren asked, nodding towards the case.

Rain nodded, her throat tight. ‘Yeah, there’s gotta be at least a hundred grand in there. Maybe more.’

Lauren handed her a drink, her eyes wide with shock. ‘So why do you think someone took her instead of the money?’

‘Because they couldn’t find the money.’

‘So, what’s the plan?’ Clara asked, leaning forward.

Lauren took out her phone. ‘Syd was the one who came up with the idea. I’ll let her explain it.’

They sat in an awkward silence as they waited for Sydney to arrive, the tension thick in the air. Rain’s mind was consumed with worry for Fay, the question of Lauren’s jealousy barely registering. When the doorbell finally rang, she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

Lauren went to answer it, and moments later, Sydney walked in, her presence commanding the room. Rain introduced her to Clara, grateful for the distraction.

‘I really appreciate you doing this, Clara,’ Sydney said, handing her a small camera. ‘I promise you’ll be safe. My most trusted security guys will be watching you every second.’

Clara took the camera, turning it over in her hands. ‘So, what do you need me to do?’

Sydney laid out the details, her voice calm and confident. ‘Head down to the bar and grab a drink. There’s a bartender named Alex. Strike up a conversation with her and casually ask if she knows anyone who can help you have a good night. She’ll catch your drift.’

‘And then what?’

‘Once we’ve got her on camera, I’ll give her a choice. Either she spills the beans on who’s running the show, or I’ll call the police and hand over the footage. We’re ending this shit show tonight,’ Sydney said, matter-of-factly.

Lauren shifted uncomfortably, her worry evident. ‘That’s assuming she takes the bait.’

‘Oh, she won’t be able to resist,’ Rain said with a smirk. ‘Especially if you lay on the charm a bit, Clara.’

Clara grinned. ‘I can definitely do that.’

Sydney handed her a key card. ‘This is for your room. We’ll all be in there when you get back.’

As Clara started unbuttoning her shirt, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage, Lauren’s gaze flickered to Rain, searching for a reaction. Rain met her eyes and smiled, trying to convey without words that Clara had nothing on her, that Lauren had no reason to be jealous.

As Clara sauntered out of the room, exuding confidence and sex appeal, the women made their way to the decoy hotel room Sydney had set up. They gathered around her laptop, watching with bated breath as the live feed from the hidden camera showed Clara making her way to the bar.

‘Here goes,’ Sydney said, zooming in on the screen.

They watched as Clara leaned against the bar. Even without clear audio, it was evident she was laying on the charm thick, Alex leaned in close, hanging on her every word.

Rain’s pulse raced as she watched the scene unfold. Would Alex take the bait? Would they finally get the answers they needed to find Fay?

As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the room grew, each woman lost in her own thoughts. Rain couldn’t shake the feeling that they were on the brink of something big, that the next few hours would determine the fate of her sister.

She just hoped that whatever they uncovered, it wouldn’t be too late to save Fay from the mess she had got herself into.

Suddenly, Alex’s demeanour changed. She glanced around furtively before leaning in even closer to Clara, her lips barely moving as she spoke.

‘I think she took the bait,’ Sydney said.

Rain bit her lip, her eyes glued to the screen. Lauren reached over and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

They watched as Clara finished her drink and slid off the barstool, Alex blowing her a kiss before she walked out of the bar. The hidden camera bounced as she made her way back to the room, the first part of her mission accomplished.

Moments later, the door opened, and Clara strutted in, a triumphant grin lighting up her face. ‘Hook, line, and sinker, ladies,’ she announced, her voice filled with the thrill of victory.

Rain let out a whoop of joy, pumping her fist in the air. ‘Fuck yes! I knew you could do it, Clara!’

But in the midst of their celebration, Rain couldn’t shake the unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. She tried Fay’s number again, but it went straight to voicemail.

She felt a comforting hand on her shoulder and looked up to meet Lauren’s gaze, the warmth and understanding in her eyes a momentary balm to her frayed nerves.

‘As long as we have the money, Fay will be safe,’ Lauren reassured her, her voice soft but firm.

Rain nodded, wanting to believe her words. ‘I hope you’re right.’

A gentle tap on the door caused them all to jump, their nerves already stretched to the breaking point.

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