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Chapter Four

As Rain settled back onto the sofa, looking completely at ease, Lauren found herself marvelling at the fact that she was actually here in person. When she’d texted Rain earlier, inviting her over hadn’t been part of the plan. But the desire to see her again, alone, had been too strong to ignore. Lauren had thrown caution to the wind and followed her heart. So far, she had no regrets.

‘So, I don’t think you actually told me who you work for,’ Rain said, taking a sip of Champagne.

Lauren immediately felt a sense of unease. Her family name carried a lot of weight, and with Rain’s curious gaze fixed on her, she suddenly felt exposed.

‘You’re right, I didn’t.’

Rain’s eyes sparkled with mischief. ‘Ooh, so mysterious. You’re not, like, a spy or something, are you?’

Lauren couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Trust me, if I was, I’d be terrible at it.’

‘Well, come on, spill! What kind of company puts you up in a place like this? I bet the bathroom’s bigger than my whole Airbnb.’

Lauren poured them each another drink, feeling herself start to relax. ‘I work in hospitality, actually.’

‘Oh, really?’

‘Yes. In fact . . . this hotel’s been in my family for generations.’

Rain choked on her Champagne, sputtering and spraying it all over herself.

‘Oh my god, I’m so sorry!’ Rain said, her cheeks crimson as she looked down at the mess. ‘I’m such an idiot sometimes.’

Lauren smiled as she stood up. ‘Don’t even worry about it, it’s totally fine.’

She grabbed a towel from the bathroom and hurried back to Rain, gently blotting at the damp fabric clinging to her toned thighs. Lauren’s mind started to wander to places that made her stomach knot.

‘Thanks,’ Rain said sheepishly. ‘I’m just glad I didn’t get any on the sofa.’

‘It wouldn’t have been a big deal if you did.’

Rain let out a low whistle. ‘Wow. I can’t believe your family owns this place. The Deville’s are kind of a big deal.’

Lauren’s heart sank as she noticed a shift in Rain’s demeanour. It was like a switch had been flipped. She’d seen it a million times before – as soon as people found out who she was, they started treating her differently. It never stopped stinging.

Why did I tell her that? Lauren chided herself. I should’ve just met her at a pub or something, got to know her better first.

Though she felt a pang of regret, she tried to play it cool. ‘I just remembered, I need to make a quick phone call. Feel free to pour yourself another drink.’

She slipped into the next room, needing a moment to regroup. What had she been thinking, inviting Rain here? Her life was already a tangled mess. The last thing she needed was more complications.

Part of her wished she could take back that impulsive text. Lauren stood by the window and stared out aimlessly.

How am I going to get her to leave?

A soft knock at the door startled her out of her thoughts.

‘Just a second!’ Lauren called out, crossing the room to the door. She hesitated, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before turning the knob.

‘Hey, is everything okay?’ Rain asked, her forehead creased with concern.

‘Yeah, it’s just . . .’ her voice faltered as Rain reached out, placing her hand on Lauren’s shoulder. The tender touch sent a frisson of energy rippling through her body.

‘Listen,’ Rain said softly, holding Lauren’s gaze. ‘I’m sorry if I got a little weird when you told me who you were. It’s just that . . . I actually interviewed here today.’

Lauren blinked in surprise. ‘You did?’

‘Yeah, for a cleaner’s job.’ Rain laughed. ‘I don’t think I got it though. I was too busy thinking about you.’

Lauren’s mind was blown. ‘I . . . I don’t know what to say . . .’

Rain leaned in closer, their lips almost touching. ‘You don’t have to say anything.’

A rush of adrenaline surged through her. Although she had often fantasised about women in the past, she never expected to be in a position to do anything about it.

Her brain was doing somersaults, full of questions and doubts, but they all seemed to fade away the moment Rain’s mouth brushed against her lips. She knew, in that moment, that she wanted this. Wanted Rain. More than she’d ever wanted anything.

Still, Lauren hesitated, torn between desire and fear. She searched Rain’s eyes, looking for answers, for reassurance. What she found was a reflection of her own longing, her own uncertainty.

‘Is this crazy?’ Lauren whispered, her voice was barely audible over the pounding of her heart. ‘We just met. I’ve never . . . with a woman . . .’

Rain’s hand came up to cradle Lauren’s cheek, her touch infinitely gentle. ‘I know. It’s okay to feel nervous. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.’

There was no point in trying to deny it. Lauren was being pulled to Rain like a magnet.

‘Kiss me,’ Lauren suddenly heard herself say, throwing caution to the wind. ‘Please.’

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