You are on a journey that is leading inward. You have all the answers you are seeking.
Know that the divine is within you. Your angels are focusing on your holiness.
You are being inspired and led by God and angels.
You are one with all that is. Know that all you are doing and giving is for the world and all the beings in it.
You are being encouraged to look at the higher purpose behind all the current relationships in your life.
Masters, saints, and higher-being teachers are with you now, helping you move forward in faith on your journey.
Your angels want to thank you for being one of them upon the Earth. You have a real gift for healing.
Your thoughts are manifesting radically now, so it’s important to stay aligned with the thoughts you know will serve your expansion.
It’s important for you to think outside the box and beyond your current situation before making choices and moving forward.
Your angels are waiting for you to make your intentions clear. Get clear about what you want.
In order to grow you have to let go of attachments to the outcome of a situation, especially if it involves others. Take time to refocus your energy on your own path.
You are being invited to step into your power and take charge of your situation. Stop waiting for other people to influence your next move.
Your angels can see you intend to do and be your best. Know that they are giving you a boost of loving encouragement.
The universe is here, right here with you. Know that you are more connected to it than ever.