You are in touch with people who could be influential on your journey and powerfully supportive of your growth.
Your energy is being upgraded at this time. It’s important to know that nothing is off, you are just being connected on a deep level.
Your angels are opening your crown chakra so that you can receive divine guidance. Soul memories are being uncovered.
Your chakras are being aligned with crystalline light, allowing you to open up to powerful information that will align you with a higher purpose.
Your spiritual muscles need time and space to recover. You are working hard on self-mastery, but this also requires space and time to play and have fun.
Your energy is magnetic at this time and is attracting powerful angels who are surrounding you with golden light and opportunities.
Your efforts to expand your gifts and offerings have been recognized.
Doors, windows, and portals to opportunity are all being opened for you now.
You are in a space of deep knowing and connection. Trust the divine wisdom that is coming to you and moving though you.
God is restoring your energy at this time. Take time to breathe and feel replenished.
You are being guided to connect with your center. Take time to be honest and patient with yourself. This is a time for recuperation.
It’s important to find time for friendships and relationships. You will benefit from seeing others and you have much to give and share.
You are experiencing a surge of psychic and spiritual awareness at this time. Know that your insights and visions are divinely inspired. Trust the messages you are hearing.