You are manifesting powerful opportunities for support and abundance.
The love you have shared with the Earth is now washing back and blessing your life.
In the past, you have made many sacrifices with regard to your wellbeing. Now you are being encouraged to know that you no longer have to do this. It’s time to live a more love-based story.
Your heart has endured many lessons with regard to love. Angel wisdom is reminding you that you are not here to search for love, you are here to remember that love is within, and in finding it there you will manifest it in your outer world.
Your energy is manifesting many roads to opportunity and joy. Know that there is never a wrong choice; every move you make brings you closer to purpose and fulfillment.
Know that your energy is expanding and your awareness of all things spiritual is increasing. Your recent actions and choices have been aligned with love. Your inner teacher is speaking loud and clear.
God is encouraging you to think things through before proceeding further.
God wants you to know that you are not being condemned and are already forgiven. Now forgive yourself.
The lessons you are experiencing are being presented because you are still lacking in understanding and forgiveness of other parties. Forgiving others is a gift of freedom to yourself.
Your energy requires your honest focus and attention at this time. It’s important to follow the path that will take you to joy rather than your ego’s wishes and false promises.
Angel wisdom is encouraging you to listen to the voice of your soul with regard to those you are choosing to surround yourself with at this time.
You are being encouraged to make the changes you know you need to make, as failure to do so will result in challenges that will hold you back from your highest good and freedom.
Halt. Stop. No. Do not make any sudden decisions. Your ego has taken control and is leading the way to heartache and fear. But you can recover your power. Call in the light of God.
You are now moving out of this challenging spell of despair and fear.
Know that angels are guiding you. Have faith in yourself, your light, and your gifts.