Your angels are communicating, but you aren’t listening. It’s important to know that their messages are always given for the highest good. Even if they don’t seem to be in line with your plans, know that they are following God’s plan.
Your angels are encouraging you to be brave and strong. It’s important for you to see where changes are required in order to feel aligned with purpose and abundance.
Progressing Numbers
Progressing numbers are numbers that move upward in correct sequence.
When you see numbers like this, angels are acknowledging that you are rising up and moving forward on your path. Ultimately, they see you embarking on the journey to ascension by successfully raising your vibration.
You are moving up the spiritual ladder. Your angels are acknowledging your intentions and your steps toward growth. Know that you are being encouraged and supported.
Your personal relationships are growing at this time. Know that you are receiving opportunities to love and be loved like never before. Your angels are dancing around you.
Ascended masters are with you and your guides to help elevate your spiritual connection. Trust in the feelings you are having—they are the answers to your prayers.
Angels want you to know that they are so glad about your current commitment to your spiritual growth. You will feel a sense of acceleration at this time.
Angel Numbers 0–999
God is close by. You are never alone.
The universal life-force within you is calling for your attention.
There are opportunities for connection and union at this time.
Relationship growth is imminent.
You are on the road to growth and expansion. The path is unfolding with perfect timing.
Let your truth be your teacher. Trust in all that you feel and let your joy lead.