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Jassyn swore in the solitude of own mind, wondering if the Vallendes knew he and Vesryn were the ones who’d plundered their estate.

“What’s going on?” Vesryn asked.

Jassyn flapped a hand, gesturing for his cousin’s silence. Make sure the magus in our circle join those gathering so their presence isn’t missed. I’ll…inform the prince.

Swallowing back a tide of uncertainty, Jassyn ran his fingers through his curls, delivering the message.

Vesryn scoffed, gaze roving around the room, landing on his boots. With a pull of force, he ripped them toward himself. “Elashor goes too far if he thinks he has any say over me or our operations at Centarya.” Stomping into his shoes, the prince aggressively tied the laces.

“What do you want the magus to do?” Jassyn asked, rising to retrieve his own footwear. His mind immediately began inventing increasingly alarming scenarios of what would unfold.

“Nothing.” Vesryn pushed off from the couch, yanking his wrinkled leathers straight. “I don’t want this secret coalition you’ve cultivated to commit a blatant act of treason. Not yet.” He grunted. “I have a better idea.” He patted Jassyn’s cheek, but his grin looked forced. “I’ll simply to tell Elashor to fuck off.” And with that, the prince pivoted on a heel and prowled out of Jassyn’s apartment.

“Wait!” Charging out of his quarters, Jassyn hurried to catch up to Vesryn in the hallway. “If the capital is here in force, I don’t think it’ll be that easy. I have a bad feeling about this.”

“I won’t be returning to Kyansari if that’s what they’re here for,” Vesryn growled, tying his hair back.

“Then shouldn’t we portal away now?” Jassyn’s pulse began to race as he kept pace with the prince, descending the stairs two at a time.

“I need to make an appearance so Elashor doesn’t interrogate the magus about my location.” Vesryn flared a ward, shielding both of them from the shower of rain as they left the residence hall.

That’s oddly logical of him. Gusts tore at the manicured trees edging the cobblestone pathway, whipping leaves into the air.

Vesryn scanned the courtyard, taking in every magus and recruit on their way to assemble at the Spire. “I’ll need you here on the inside. As my silent watcher, working from the shadows.”

Feeling backed into a corner, Jassyn didn’t know which direction to dart. Campus certainly didn’t feel like the safe option if Vesryn wasn’t going to be around. I can do more good helping Thalaesyn and freeing those already coerced.

Jassyn’s words broke past the clump of worry beginning to clog his throat. “I’m coming with you.”

Vesryn glanced at him as they hastened down the stone pathway, the island hazy with rain. “Are you sure? We won’t be able to return to Centarya after this. Or maybe anywhere civilized.”

Fear began to tangle in Jassyn’s chest, but he nodded. A crack of lightning in the distance lifted the hairs on his arms. He swallowed, knowing the choice would be irreversible, a blind step off a cliff. “We’re in this together.”

The prince gave him a conspiratorial grin. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

The watery assault from the sky had Jassyn’s awareness of the earth sharpening. The last thing he needed was for sparks to jump into his hands again and reveal that his powers had manifested. I have to stay in control.

“What if we make our stand now?” Jassyn’s heart quickened even further when Centarya’s population came into view, organized into lines across the Spire’s lawn.

Vesryn shook his head, the breeze lashing the fringes of his hair. “This is between me and the general. If Elashor’s soldiers are compelled, then they’re innocent.”

“There’s more of us,” Jassyn said, unsure why he was insisting beyond knowing that the king would transform more elven-blooded into wraith if no one put an end to it. He studied Kyansari’s white-armored force as they surrounded the initiates, stationing themselves like bars on a cage. “We’re supposed to be the capital’s army. What if we turn against them?”

Vesryn kept his attention pinned on Elashor, positioned at the base of the Spire. “I’m not putting our half-trained recruits at risk by initiating a bloodbath.” He switched to sending a telepathic thought once they approached the edge of the gathering. Relay to your peers to keep silent and let me handle this.

Breaking away from the prince, Jassyn encompassed himself in his own shield, warding off the rain. He reached out to Nelya’s mind, communicating Vesryn’s orders. His boots sloshed through the sodden grass as he found a place to stand among the magus assembled twenty paces away from Elashor—much closer than he wanted to be if a confrontation was about to unfold. He nearly reached out to Vesryn, realizing that they hadn’t discussed exactly how they were going to stage their departure.

Rain bounced off of the prince’s shield as he sauntered through the ranks, proceeding like everyone standing at attention was gathered in his honor. Lightning sheared across the sky and an accompanying clap of thunder rumbled through the air. Vesryn stalked across the courtyard to face Elashor, a panther ready to taunt a bear.

Elashor’s hand rested on the hilt of the longsword at his waist, barring entry to the Spire. “The king requires your presence at the capital.”

Roving his gaze over Kyansari’s small army, the prince ignored the general. He addressed the assembled magus and recruits. “Return to your classes and duties. This doesn’t concern you.”

The slant of Elashor’s jaw tightened as his surrounding shield flared. He opened his mouth, but Vesryn cut him off. “Unless my sire demands the entire population of Centarya to accompany me to Kyansari, they have other responsibilities.”

Elashor clicked his tongue in annoyance, but made no further objection as everyone dispersed.

Unsure where to position himself as his peers departed, Jassyn’s chest constricted before he decided to join Vesryn in his solitary stand. He tried to ignore the way Elashor’s eyes slid to him. Always calculating.

Vesryn snarled, dropping all semblance of civility. “My sire sends his favorite hound to retrieve me?”

The general pulled his shoulders back. “The king found your absence at the Lunar Solstice to be unacceptable. You’ve left him no choice but to strip Centarya from your command.” Elashor crossed his arms, a humorless chuckle shaking his chest. “Perhaps once you return to the capital, you’ll be reminded of your duties to the realm.”

Jassyn tensed, gauging that the unstated threat was that the king would compel Vesryn into compliance.

The prince’s fingers twitched at his sides. “If my sire desires a succession beyond me, then he can be the one who ensures it.” His lip curled. “But let’s do ourselves a favor and stop pretending like he’ll ever relinquish power.”

Elashor smirked, smiling cooly. “The king has taken matters into his own hands, but I assure you, your insolence will not go unpunished. Too long have you openly defied him.” The general lazily stroked the hilt of his sword. “His orders are to retrieve you. You can come willingly or as a prisoner.” With a sneer, he jabbed, “So what will it be, Prince?”

Vesryn’s jade eyes glittered in a flash of lightning, his ire appearing to gather like the storm. His attention roamed over the surrounding soldiers, edging closer. They didn’t seem to breathe as they waited for Elashor’s command.

“What I want,” the prince said, his focus pinning on the general, a hunting falcon honing in on its prey, “is to know what magic you two are fucking with. Care to explain how my sire’s power has increased or how the years have slipped from his bones? I have a feeling it has something to do with our ‘reassigned’ recruits.” Silence loomed like the clouds, the rain continuing its steady drumming. “This campus is under my protection. You’ve overstayed your welcome.”

Face devoid of expression, Elashor unsheathed his sword. In unison, Essence pulsed, shimmering around the capital’s warriors as they readied their weapons.

Fists clenching at his sides, Vesryn scoffed dismissively. “I have no interest in killing your thralls.”

Elashor shrugged, unbothered. “There’s more where they came from.”

A muscle rippled in the prince’s cheek as he went still. Jassyn swore even the wind held its breath.

His eyes flicked toward his cousin. Vesryn’s ticked toward him. As something unspoken passed between them, the prince formed a telepathic link, wrapping around Jassyn’s mind. They rapidly fabricated a plan while Elashor undoubtedly waited for them to submit.

Vesryn spoke first. Elashor will be an issue. I haven’t gone toe-to-toe against him, but even I’m not stupid enough to underestimate him. I’d prefer not to kill any of the soldiers if we can avoid it.

Stomach roiling, Jassyn’s knees locked. If we’re taken to Kyansari, you know they’ll compel us—or worse.

That won’t happen. I don’t think these mind-controlled warriors will be any match if Elashor has to direct them.

The general took a step forward. Magic flared from every direction—shields flexing, shadows rising, force strengthening. The air warped with a hum of energy.

Hold the soldiers back with your shields, Vesryn ordered. I’ll subdue Elashor and assist you after. Then we’ll—

One amendment, Jassyn interjected before the prince became too carried away with a complicated plan that would fall apart as soon as anyone blinked.

Vesryn arched a questioning brow at him. Before Jassyn even realized he’d made the decision, something inside of him snapped.

Elashor is mine.

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