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Praise for Isha, Unscripted

“Isha’s struggle against family expectations takes humorous and surprising turns, and readers will laugh and cheer her on.”


“Patel’s fans will enjoy it.”

Publishers Weekly

“Isha’s journey to stay true to herself is handled with care while still allowing this to be a fun, contemporary romance.”

—A JILLion Books

“I have been enjoying reading about messy main characters. And Sajni Patel provides the perfect messy main character in Isha, Unscripted.”

—Abigail Books Addiction

More praise for Sajni Patel and her novels

“Sajni Patel perfectly encapsulated Indian culture and traditions while giving younger readers such as myself an outlet to express our frustrations as Liya and Jay battle many of the issues we face.”

—Jessica Reads It

“An endearing, feel-good rom-com celebrating love, heritage, and friendship.”

Kirkus Reviews

“A unique story about working hard to achieve your dreams.”

—The Candid Cover

“Sajni Patel is a talented writer who is able to write about mental health, racism, and cultural issues with compassion and insight. She balances these issues with a healthy dose of humor and heart.”

—The Bashful Bookworm

Berkley Titles by Sajni Patel

Isha, Unscripted

The Design of Us


Published by Berkley

An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC


Copyright © 2024 by Sajni Patel

Readers Guide copyright © 2024 by Penguin Random House LLC

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Patel, Sajni, 1981– author.

Title: The design of us / Sajni Patel.

Description: First edition. | New York : Berkley Romance, 2024.

Identifiers: LCCN 2023046661 (print) | LCCN 2023046662 (ebook) | ISBN 9780593547854 (trade paperback) | ISBN 9780593547861 (ebook)

Subjects: LCGFT: Romance fiction. | Novels.

Classification: LCC PS3616.A86649 D47 2024 (print) | LCC PS3616.A86649 (ebook) | DDC 813/.6—dc23/eng/20231128

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2023046661

LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2023046662

Ebook ISBN 9780593547861

Cover illustration by Sudeepti Tucker

Cover design by Rita Frangie Batour

Book design by George Towne, adapted for ebook by Cora Wigen

Interior art: Floral Tropical Pattern © Anastasia Barre/Shutterstock.com

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.




Chapter One

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