moral judgment of books and, 175–82
National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) on, 191–93
“On Being a Banned Writer” (Klein), 185–86, 187
Reagan and Religious Right, 165–68
recognition of writing vs., 214
Religious Right’s challenge to Blume, 183–91
Show Me! (McBride and Fleischhauer-Hardt), 169–70
Tiger Eyes (Blume) and, 171–74
Chambliss, Erika, 140
Chicago Tribune, 113, 133, 134–35, 189–91
child pornography, First Amendment and, 170–71. see also censorship
children’s books. see Blume, Judy, written works; censorship; publishing industry
Children’s Literature in Education (journal), 159
Childress, Alice, 150
Christian Science Monitor, 178–79, 182, 210
Clayburgh, Jill, 141
Cleary, Beverly, 11, 40, 80
CNN, 183–84
Comfort, Alex, 69–70, 107, 211
coming-of-age themes. see abortion; boys, book themes about; contraception; masturbation; menstruation; puberty; sexuality
“Communist” label, 29, 32
Concerned Citizens of Gwinnett (Georgia), 189–91
Connecticut, public libraries of, 206–8
Adolescent Family Life Act (AFLA) on, 181–82
“Big Four” view of, 75–76
birth control pill (Pill), 75–76, 95
Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972), 95
Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), 2
sexual pleasure of women and, 94–100
Cooper, Amanda, 195
Cooper, George, 194–95, 214
Corman, Avery, 167
Courier News (Central New Jersey), 9
Crazy in the Cockpit (Randy Blume), 197–99
credit cards, women and, 54
Critical Race Theory controversy, 204–5
Crossfire (CNN), 183–84
Dahl, Roald, 11, 207