Traister, Rebecca, 320
transgender population, 205–6, 321
transvaginal ultrasound, 128–29, 146, 341
Trick Mirror (Tolentino), 197–98
trigger shots, 64–66, 91, 161–63, 217–18, 264, 265, 280
triplets, 173n
Trump, Donald, 198
TSH (see thyroid-stimulating hormone)
tubal ligation, 79
twins, 28n, 173n
Twitter, 3, 6
Uber, 187
ultrasound technology, 35, 36, 63, 85, 87, 128–29, 146, 218, 341
Union, Gabrielle, 185
U.S. Census Bureau, 41, 42
University College London, 182
University Hospitals Fertility Center, 285–87, 289–91
University of Bologna Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 46–48, 330
University of Washington, 120
University of Wisconsin—Madison, 200
Unwell Women (Cleghorn), 140
urine, 117, 215–16
urine tests, 123, 124n
uterine fibroids, 12, 203n, 219
uterine transplants, 321
uterus, 22, 35, 40, 45, 47, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 93, 106, 132, 173, 175, 189, 287, 302, 321, 322
vaginal canal, 106
vaginal rings, 79, 80
vaginas, 20, 22, 143
Varsavsky, Martin, 190, 323
vasectomy, 80
Vechery, Afton, 126–27
Verge, The, 185
Versed, 65
Vios Fertility Institute, 255
Virginia, embryo custody in, 299
viscosity, 5
vitrification, 47–49, 151, 153, 169, 170, 171n, 186, 189, 231