AIN - Kingdom in the Southwest on the coast of Astye
ANDARA - Far away, mysterious country
ASTYE - The largest continent, home to The Nine Kingdoms
BAUREAN SEA - Body of water in the South
BENIEL - Kingdom in the Northwest of Astye
CASAMERE - Large country off the continent
CHIOJAN - Capital city of the Kingdom of Varana
CLEAVING TIDES - Prosperous port city in Henig, the Southernmost point of Astye, wealthy area above in the hills called High Tides, harbor and beaches called Low Tides
CLIFFS OF UNMYN - On the Northern Coastline, part of the White Ridge Mountains
DAL RIATA - Small Nevandian mining town
DUL TANEN - Capital city of the Kingdom of Tacorn
DWALINGULF - Large logging town in the lower North
EHLE - Kingdom in the Southwest of Astye, known for its deserts and canyons of red dirt
ELFAYGUA - Town in Tacorn
FENSMUIR - City in the Kingdom of Ain
GAINESBURY - Small village in the Northern White Ridge Mountains
GELANON - Holiest day in the entire year, a winter holiday known for fasting, throwing minerals into fire to show colors for gods to see for blessings
GLOAW CRANA - Town in Nevandia on the Tacornian border
GRAVE’S END - Poorest neighborhood in Kellesar
GRELTA - The Northernmost and largest kingdom on Astye, cold and snowy most of the year
HAVENFIORD - Large town on the border of Grelta and Tacorn
HENIG - Kingdom in the Southeast, busy harbors and port cities
INIQUITY - Town of criminals, also known as the Den, the Nest, Vice, etc.
KAISHIKI - Capital city of the Kingdom of Syoto, home to the Nine Kingdom’s Library
KELLESAR - Capital city of the Kingdom of Nevandia
LAIMOEN - God of Destruction and War, Lirr’s partner
LIRR - Goddess of Creation and All Living Things & Fertility
LIRRSTRASS - Capital city of the Kingdom of Grelta
LISTAN - Small, sandy country off the continent
MIDDLE KINGDOMS - Name for the two middle countries on Astye–Tacorn and Nevandia
MOUNT ERA - Highest peak on the White Ridge Mountains
NEVANDIA - Kingdom in the middle of Astye, in a bitter forty-year war with Tacorn
NYDIAN RIVER - River that stretches East to South on Astye
OSTARA - Holiday honoring Lirr and the welcoming of Spring, offerings of flowers and food, candles cleanse away the dark and usher in the light
PARACASO - Town in Ehle
PEVEAR - Town on the outskirts of Tacorn, once the site of a bloody battle
RED LANDS - Nickname for the Middle Kingdoms–a land so covered in blood
SILKEHAVEN - Small town in the Northern White Ridge Mountains
SYOTO - Empire in the Southeast of Astye
TACORN - Kingdom in the middle of Astye, in a bitter forty-year war with Nevandia