GHQ General Headquarters
GM Gurkha Major
GR Gurkha Rifles
HQ headquarters
ID identity
Int intelligence
KL Kuala Lumpur
MA Military Adviser
MCP Malayan Communist Party
MGB Soviet Ministry of State Security, Ministerstvo Gosudarstvennoi Besopasnosti (1946-54)
MRLA Malayan Races Liberation Army
MT mechanical transport
NCO non-commissioned officer
OC Officer Commanding, commander of sub-unit
OCPD Officer in Charge Police District
‘O’ Group ‘Orders Group’, sub-commanders for whom any orders are relevant
Red Cap nickname for British Army police from the colour of their hats
RSM Regimental Sergeant Major
sitrep situation report
Signals jargon
roger understood
sunray commander of unit or sub-unit concerned
sunray minor deputy commander of unit or sub-unit concerned
I sincerely thank Mr Bernard C C Chan, MBE, AMN, for his unstinting help in matters Chinese.
char sui crispy roast pork belly
fei toh bandit
Goo K’a bing Gurkha soldiers
gwai lo foreigner, literally ‘devil chap’, ‘old devil’
HakWa Hakka language
ham saap kwai ‘salty wet’, randy devil
juin jit dim turning point
kung toh Communist bandits
Kwok Ka On Chuin Bo Security Service
Loi Pai Yi Nepali
mi vermicelli
Min Yuen Masses Movement
Sinsaang Mr, ‘sir’ (in Hak Wa the pronunciation is Sin Saang)
tung chi ‘equal thinkers’